Nella lezione di oggi, tenuta dalla docente Roberta Volpato, si è parlato di “ Personalizzazione dell’apprendimento”.
Quando si parla di personalizzazione dell’apprendimento si tende a centrare l’attenzione sulle spatio-temporal characteristics and learning of the subject. The training process
should not be a mere transmission of knowledge but a construction of meaning through experience and in accordance with individual cognitive styles, in this context play a key role theories related to multiple intelligences and styles of thought, that allow customization of the training process itself.
To achieve a training effective, it must take into account and consider that there is a variety of cognitive styles, namely a set of ways to develop, manage and store and use information at different stages of the training process.
In the seventies, Howard Gardner, after a long period of research, he developed a theory based on multiple intelligences.
The underlying assumption of this theory is that " intelligence is the ability to identify and solve problems or create products within one or more cultural settings .
He questions the concept of intelligence, asserting that it is not only a linguistic and logical mathematical ability, that is, knowing how to read, write and count.
Through his studies, Gardner shows up to 7 types of intellectual skills, thus putting emphasis on certain types of responsibilities that were once overlooked and not considered.
Identified intelligences are: linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily Cinestar, interpersonal and personal.
The student is focusing on the technology in terms of multimedia and customization of the training process. In an interview with a school suggests that, through technology, is capable of appealing to individuals and taking account of the differences in each of the skills most pronounced.
The individual is not characterized by a single style, but from a profile of styles or ways of thinking. The propensity towards style rather than another can vary depending on the tasks, context and experience.
society often confuses the stili (modi di pensare) con le abilità (il modo in cui una persona fa qualcosa) attribuendo agli individui un giudizio sugli stili quando in realtà si tratta delle abilità. Gli insegnanti e i formatori devono riuscire a cogliere questa sottile differenza, così da permettere al soggetto di avere successo sia nel suo percorso formativo sia nel lavoro.
Un altro studioso di questo periodo e di queste tematiche, è Robert Stenberg. Egli pone l’accento sull’insuccesso scolastico, lavorativo e sociale e mette in discussione i parametri di valutazione e di misurazione delle prestazioni dell’individuo in una teoria detta dell’ "Autogoverno mentale".
Stenberg outlines a new perspective that places at the base of the failure is a discrepancy, incompatibility between the way of learning and characteristics of the learning environment, including how to act and the expectations of the work context. According to the scholar
we each have different mental mode, which change based on the experience and maturity of the individual, which changes with the evolution of the individual himself.
Stenberg used to the concept of the first form of government.
government has three functions: legislative, executive and judicial. According to Stenberg
the government also reflects what happens in our minds. His theory associated questi tre possibili stili di governo a 3 tipologie di persone: persone legislative, esecutive e giudiziarie. Le prime che amano fare le cose a modo loro ed essere indipendenti, le seconde che rispettano le regole e le terze che tendono a mettere in discussione le regole e il sistema.
La teoria dell’Autogoverno contempla poi 4 forme di stili di pensiero che corrispondono a modi diversi di accostarsi al mondo e alle sue problematiche: stile monarchico, gerarchico, oligarchico e anarchico. Rispetto ai livelli degli stili di pensiero esistono poi persone: global ( che ignorano i dettagli) e analitiche ( che apprezzano i problemi concreti e si soffermano sui dettagli).
Rispetto invece alle sfere degli stili di pensiero esistono persone:
interne: introverse, distaccate dal contesto sociale in cui vivono
esterne: estroverse, espansive e aperte verso la gente
rispetto alle propensioni degli stili di pensiero esistono persone:
radicali: che amano andare al di là delle regole
conservatrici: che tendono a conformarsi alle regole e alle procedure esistenti e non amano i cambiamenti.
Questa panoramiche sulla teoria delle intelligenze multiple, sul concetto di stile di pensiero e di abilità è servita per aprire la strada a molteplici riflessioni.
La ricerca in merito alle intelligenze multiple sottolineano l’importanza dell’interazione tra soggetto e contesto in cui agisce, in questa prospettiva ,grazie alla molteplicità approaches and channels of communication, new technologies and e-learning can be a border that actually opens the way for the personalization of learning.
During the lesson the teacher showed us on the Internet some courses on-line, made for some important Italian companies, used to train their employees.
We saw three examples of SIMULWARE: an online course on Privacy and Data Protection (duration 2 hours), a course on apprenticeship (to simulate in a protected environment with the help a tutor, what an employee would have found to really do its work environment) and a course that Didael which dealt with the teaching of English and Italian to foreigners.
Quando si parla di personalizzazione dell’apprendimento si tende a centrare l’attenzione sulle spatio-temporal characteristics and learning of the subject. The training process
should not be a mere transmission of knowledge but a construction of meaning through experience and in accordance with individual cognitive styles, in this context play a key role theories related to multiple intelligences and styles of thought, that allow customization of the training process itself.
To achieve a training effective, it must take into account and consider that there is a variety of cognitive styles, namely a set of ways to develop, manage and store and use information at different stages of the training process.
In the seventies, Howard Gardner, after a long period of research, he developed a theory based on multiple intelligences.
The underlying assumption of this theory is that " intelligence is the ability to identify and solve problems or create products within one or more cultural settings .
He questions the concept of intelligence, asserting that it is not only a linguistic and logical mathematical ability, that is, knowing how to read, write and count.
Through his studies, Gardner shows up to 7 types of intellectual skills, thus putting emphasis on certain types of responsibilities that were once overlooked and not considered.
Identified intelligences are: linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily Cinestar, interpersonal and personal.
The student is focusing on the technology in terms of multimedia and customization of the training process. In an interview with a school suggests that, through technology, is capable of appealing to individuals and taking account of the differences in each of the skills most pronounced.
The individual is not characterized by a single style, but from a profile of styles or ways of thinking. The propensity towards style rather than another can vary depending on the tasks, context and experience.
society often confuses the stili (modi di pensare) con le abilità (il modo in cui una persona fa qualcosa) attribuendo agli individui un giudizio sugli stili quando in realtà si tratta delle abilità. Gli insegnanti e i formatori devono riuscire a cogliere questa sottile differenza, così da permettere al soggetto di avere successo sia nel suo percorso formativo sia nel lavoro.
Un altro studioso di questo periodo e di queste tematiche, è Robert Stenberg. Egli pone l’accento sull’insuccesso scolastico, lavorativo e sociale e mette in discussione i parametri di valutazione e di misurazione delle prestazioni dell’individuo in una teoria detta dell’ "Autogoverno mentale".
Stenberg outlines a new perspective that places at the base of the failure is a discrepancy, incompatibility between the way of learning and characteristics of the learning environment, including how to act and the expectations of the work context. According to the scholar
we each have different mental mode, which change based on the experience and maturity of the individual, which changes with the evolution of the individual himself.
Stenberg used to the concept of the first form of government.
government has three functions: legislative, executive and judicial. According to Stenberg
the government also reflects what happens in our minds. His theory associated questi tre possibili stili di governo a 3 tipologie di persone: persone legislative, esecutive e giudiziarie. Le prime che amano fare le cose a modo loro ed essere indipendenti, le seconde che rispettano le regole e le terze che tendono a mettere in discussione le regole e il sistema.
La teoria dell’Autogoverno contempla poi 4 forme di stili di pensiero che corrispondono a modi diversi di accostarsi al mondo e alle sue problematiche: stile monarchico, gerarchico, oligarchico e anarchico. Rispetto ai livelli degli stili di pensiero esistono poi persone: global ( che ignorano i dettagli) e analitiche ( che apprezzano i problemi concreti e si soffermano sui dettagli).
Rispetto invece alle sfere degli stili di pensiero esistono persone:
interne: introverse, distaccate dal contesto sociale in cui vivono
esterne: estroverse, espansive e aperte verso la gente
rispetto alle propensioni degli stili di pensiero esistono persone:
radicali: che amano andare al di là delle regole
conservatrici: che tendono a conformarsi alle regole e alle procedure esistenti e non amano i cambiamenti.
Questa panoramiche sulla teoria delle intelligenze multiple, sul concetto di stile di pensiero e di abilità è servita per aprire la strada a molteplici riflessioni.
La ricerca in merito alle intelligenze multiple sottolineano l’importanza dell’interazione tra soggetto e contesto in cui agisce, in questa prospettiva ,grazie alla molteplicità approaches and channels of communication, new technologies and e-learning can be a border that actually opens the way for the personalization of learning.
During the lesson the teacher showed us on the Internet some courses on-line, made for some important Italian companies, used to train their employees.
We saw three examples of SIMULWARE: an online course on Privacy and Data Protection (duration 2 hours), a course on apprenticeship (to simulate in a protected environment with the help a tutor, what an employee would have found to really do its work environment) and a course that Didael which dealt with the teaching of English and Italian to foreigners.
Ilene Frascione
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