Friday, March 23, 2007

Candy With The Lowest Carbs

Lesson Lesson

Nel corso della lezione di oggi, tenuta dal docente Riccardo Zanini, si è parlato di Mobile Learning.

We first summarized what has been seen in previous lessons, or what are the platforms that are used for mobile-learning and what are the services (instant messaging, wap, web, MMS, voice, sms) through which possible to dispense the contents: these are distributed through the services offered by telecom operators, in turn, the services rely on different platforms and technologies with each other in general, more complex services require more complex technologies. He then spoke of the devices (mobile phones, pocket PCs, personal digital assistants, smartphones) that are used for the use of mobile-learning, have been examined the features of the i-pod and a comparison was made between the various categories, especially in terms of weight as an index of portability, as platforms for e-learning platforms for mobile-learning there is convergence: the you can do with the eL can also be done with the ML, there was talk of the cellular networks of which there are different types depending on the service you wish to use: the type analog (with which it was not possible to transmit data or multimedia content) is passed to digital has allowed this to carry over to also voice data, hence the first SMS, it is then passed to the GSM and GPRS to this (thanks to which the can send the first MMS), the evolution of which is represented dall'EDGE (with which you can transmit data at high speed): on the basis of being able to carry around a lot more data and be able to offer richer ; dall'EDGE was then passed to the W-COMA (UMTS) to use to video call services, and finally was passed with HSDPA which can transmit data at very high speeds comparable to ADSL, but currently has a limited mobility. The WIFI is, however, a complementary technology to UMTS, you can enjoy the same multimedia services but there is not a mobility complete, is a technology for which there is no free licenses: the only thing you pay is the fixed connectivity, and has a large penetration because the manufacturers of micro processors such as Intel, have already integrated with laptops, PDAs and mobile phones; WiFi cards are also integrated on some phones (usually the latest Nokia, high end).

cellular networks have also linked to the minimum requirements of such services and which must be supported by the appropriate technology: for example, the video must have the minimum requirements that only the network can provide. Services should be divided into two broad categories:

  • circuit services: are services of video, voice and messaging, so called because if there's a party that needs to communicate with another person B, the telephone operator by connecting first to second creates a communication circuit, and these services are time rate, did not technological limitations and resources are dedicated to everyone involved.
  • packet services : only apply to wap or web services, for which there is a communication channel but the data required by a person to be sent from server B A broken down into packets before they receive them. For this service there are strict constraints on the quality of service (QoS) required. The QoS is defined by three main parameters: 1. latency (about the user waiting to use the service), 2. band (average speed perceived by the user), 3. session stability (probability that there is a service interruption of data transfer). charging for these services is time or volume.

As regards service coverage for the GSM / GPRS is a complete national coverage by the major operators, with possible restrictions Indoor; for UMTS coverage is instead to major cities and roads. As far as rates are concerned, however, these are differentiated by voice (time) and data (time or volume) are also possible customization of the SIM and contracts within the network company. Finally, there are a bit 'rates of time' flat ' and a fixed-mobile convergence.

Finally, he spoke of m-learning project sponsored by the European Commission as the project sponsored by Ericsson Education Dublin " From e-learning to m-learning " usable on PDAs, smartphones and mobile phones and can be consulted at:

http: / /

or the project promoted by the British government (LSDA-Learning and Skills Development Agency) "m-Learning project" aimed at youngsters between the ages 16 and 22 unemployed and illiterate, available at www.m-

In definitiva, quando si parla di reti cellulari, dispositivi e servizi , si deve tener conto principalmente di queste cinque variabili: portabilità, costo, versatilità, banda e copertura.


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