Monday, March 12, 2007

How To Use Oil Of Oregano For Acne

Lecture March 12 March 9

In today's lesson we have seen important steps to set a platform.
  1. E 'must first obtain a Hardware, buy a car to put our platform;
  2. then we must put on an operating system and can choose between Windows (the most widely used desktop) or Linux (most widely used server) or UNIX (more stable at the server level but it is fee) or MAC (very common);
  3. must then install PHP that is a scripting language or MYSQL is a database (both are open souce and installed on Windows and Linux.. NET and ASP and SQLServer work Windows only.
  4. put our LMS whatever it is;
  5. as housing and hosting at home we can manage our platform and look at our courses.

During the lesson, then we saw MOODLE platform which is one of the most complete and more complex.
It lets you divide the course into
  • weeks
  • topics
  • reports
There are Resources as text files, links, etc. and DeLee Activities such as Chat, Tasks, Forums, Glossary which is an environment where pre-established place in the alphabetical order of the terms used in our courses, lessons, Scorm, Workshop that allows anyone to create objects and anyone can comment on them.
In Settings we have seen how to change the category or other characteristics of the course.

During the lesson we have also tried to create a new course for themselves, by entering our "beloved" Fantastic Beasts !!!!!!


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