Sunday, December 9, 2007

Weak Fingernails Causes

Il peggior incubo che abbia mai avuto

Continuing to rummage through my files I found this which I found simply superb.
I stayed there for I do not know how to laugh!
Of course none of this should be considered offensive to anyone.

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In the dream I get out of bed, I look in the mirror and discover that I am cross-eyed.
I frantically rummage in his pocket to look at my photo identity card ', to see if they really like that and I find that ........... Naples!

can not 'be, my God!
I sit disconsolately in a chair. But it is not 'possible,' a wheelchair, which means that, in addition to being cross-eyed and Naples, are handicapped!

Impossible, I say to myself, which is cross-eyed, Neapolitan and handicapped ......
- "Amoreeeeeeeee!" Cries una voce dietro di me. E' il mio ragazzo....
Cazzo!!!!!! Sono anche frocio!!!

- "Sei stato tu a prendere la mia siringa?"
Mio Dio! Strabico, napoletano, handicappato, frocio, drogato e sieropositivo!!!

Disperato, inizio a urlare, a piangere, a strapparmi i capelli e......
Noo!!! Sono pelato!!!

Squilla il telefono. E' mio fratello, che protesta:
-"Da quando papa' e mamma sono morti, tu riesci solo a imbottirti di droghe vagabondando tutto il giorno! Cerca un lavoro, fai qualcosa!"
Merda, scopro che sono anche disoccupato!!!

Cerco di spiegare a mio fratello che e' difficile trovare un impiego quando you and 'cross-eyed, Naples, handicapped, drug addicts, HIV positive and bald but I can not ...... Why
........ tartaglia!!

dazed, hung up the phone, the only hand that I (figa. ..... are well-armed), and with tears in their eyes, go to the window to see the landscape ......... ......
Millions of slums all around me ..... I feel a stab in the peace-maker: in addition cross-eyed, Naples, disabled, queer, addict, HIV positive, bald, orphaned, unemployed, stuttering, incomplete and heart disease, I live in a slum .....

began to feel ill and have chills: I headed to the wardrobe to take a sweater and, to my surprise, I find when I open the drawer ...... a Juventus ... This
'too ..... I begin to have a seizure!

Why 'as well as cross-eyed, Naples, disabled, queer, addict, HIV positive, bald, orphaned, unemployed, stuttering, incomplete and heart disease, I live in a shanty town .... and ... are Juventino ... .

whore eva!!
At that moment, come back My boyfriend and says,
- "Amoreeeeee, come on, wit 'arrive late to the party'........" Unit

Nooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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