I Valori Della Vita
La nostra vita deve essere sostenuta da dei valori che portiamo in fondo al cuore, che abbiamo in mind and that lead us on our journey through time.
These core values \u200b\u200bwe find them in everything we do and think in everyday life, in future projects, in the reactions of everyday life.
affect our people, our relationships with others and with society in which we live.
It is these values \u200b\u200bthat we must pass on to future generations.
RESPECT Respect for people and things, but even before respect for ourselves, our own lives.
Yes, that wonderful thing that we have been given not for our choice, but of which, fortunately, we can enjoy for years and years.
That mixture of joys and sorrows, victory and defeat, love and hate, good and evil that we should enjoy the full, minute by minute, second by second. We
us to build it piece by piece, we are the only ones who decide how it goes, but the choice can not and must not be the end.
Suicide is never the solution. Nothing. And first of all disrespect towards this immense gift which often fail to understand its dimensions.
Compared to who and what surrounds us, to the society in which we live, the world itself.
We respect and then we can demand it in return.
What can I say? It is a family worship, is just what is after our own lives, the most important thing, after us, comes into the world.
Who gave us life, who has grown up, who shares with us every single aspect of our experience, those who share the same blood. A bond like no other, a bond that will last forever.
Amiamoli our family, we respect, we help them in times of difficulty, in times of weakness and sproniamoli abbandoniamoli not ever, because they do not leave us alone and we will never find anything of value in our lives.
seems like a principle old, old days, or worse, of recent times but definitely dark. Instead
is a value that unfortunately is being lost in today's world where cowardice, treachery and misconduct take the field.
The honor of a person described it, the integrity of an individual is a rare thing, but to praise.
A person who does not betray a person who does not disappear into thin air without a trace, a person who does not need to reach a goal of misconduct, an outcome.
Honor ennobles the man who preserves and cultivates it.
also related to honor.
Another great value that determines quality in people.
The courage of their actions and their words. The courage to make decisions, the courage to always look in the eyes a person speaks, the courage to face life head on.
The courage to achieve goals despite the difficulties, the courage to never give up.
The courage to stay, not to turn away and flee.
LOVE Love is important in life.
Loving the world around us, people, animals and the environment. They are not some things that make us happy, but it's all set.
We like open-heart surgery: this exposes us to attacks from outside and the more suffering, but we can give some of the greatest satisfactions of our lives. Even a simple smile
può cambiare le cose. E non è poco.
Quella vera dura tutta la vita.
Non è un legame di sangue, un legame affettivo presente fin dalla nascita, ma è forse il legame più forte che ci possa essere, differente dall’amore.
Un vero amico è un pilastro fondamentale della nostra vita.
L’amicizia ci aiuterà nei momenti difficili, ci farà essere vicini ai nostri amici in difficoltà, ci farà fare le cazzate, i divertimenti tra amici, ci farà crescere…sempre.
Ci porterà anche delle ferite, pugnalate alle spalle… Ma il gioco vale la candela.
Ecco rileggendo tutto questo (scritto quasi tutto d’un breath) and sometimes I get scared! ;)
Sometimes I live a bit 'in the middle of the dream is true, but I believe in these values.
I consider them the cornerstones of our existence, without which we would lose something important, after all.
After this crazy post,) I dedicate myself to relax before working out.
Greetings to all readers!
ps the post I wrote while listening to Apocalyptica, specifically the songs "Hope", "Fade to Black" and "Faraway". Eye than any other song changes a lot as a genre. ;)
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