Questa è la frase che mi viene in mente guardando la situazione politica italiana.
Questo governo sta continuando a traghettare l'Italia senza un percorso preciso, senza fare niente di importante e facendo perdere terreno all'Italia in tutti i campi (basta vedere l'aumento delle tasse, l'andamento del PIL rispetto al resto d'Europa, ecc)
Non basta.
Il governo e la maggioranza (ormai quella politica però non c'è più, è palese) litigano ogni giorno sulla sicurezza, sul welfare, sulla finanziaria, sulla politicia estera... tutte cose poco importanti, no? Mica servono for the prestige and image abroad for the future of this nation, what does it matter if we stand still, the important thing is that they stay firmly seated on their benches.
still not enough.
Despite insults, threats, and charges at the time of the vote will always bunched up (but looks a bit'...) betraying millions of voters.
But its not enough.
the Senate the government wins all the time thanks to the senators for life. Happen once a year!
No, they did indeed cancel (recently) a trip in America's Montalcini even have it in the Senate (and before that time had made it back in advance from another trip).
postpone sitting for the presence of some senators for life.
I remain speechless.
But at least the center-left voters realize how difficult the situation or drink what was said by their parliament?
With regards to yesterday's vote, where confidence has been placed, I would like to point out the hypocrisy of those who govern us.
Assuming that for the five years of the current center-left government has made a continuous obstruction and destructive without ever looking for a confrontation, this time the government move to ask the trust was really a sign of great weakness.
Two days ago was excluding the possibility of requesting the trust.
The opposition had proposed amendments (some of which are incorporated in different form). Yesterday
are told that there will be confidence and motivation is "the stupid stonewalling the opposition, in an area, security, on which you should not joke, because that directly affects the people."
So: do not fool ourselves.
The safety of citizens has been and still is one of the mainstay of the center-right and this is not discussed.
Furthermore there was stonewalling the opposition. They said it was no good, ranging fatte tali modifiche. Se non gli si va incontro, la critica fatta è stata comunque costruttiva.
Infine diciamocela tutta: la fiducia è stata richiesta per il semplice fatto che l'estrema sinistra non avrebbe voluto votare a favore essendo contraria ad alcuni punti, poi approvati.
Ma alla fine tutti a votare sì.
E si tira avanti...
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