Monday, June 28, 2010

Scholarship Amblyopia


Hello, I'm here to show you two work on the' ASI, the first is a bookmark. Under the heading
Miky "to School Scrap "had to create a job without using glue, tape, and all that ... I stick that is a bioadhesive employee was quite a feat to do a job ... but in the end I won, I fitted cloth paper and the sewing machine out and that's what came out ...
As you can see in the picture below details the "E" has been pulled and the bottom fabric is strictly sewn by hand).
To see instead of what I have created the beautiful Compagnucci go here
This however is below the LO I scrapliftato for heading Fulvia and this month proposed a talented scrappers who is in the beautiful Oslo and cold .... I would go to live well I ... although I prefer to Norway, Sweden ... but it is also beautiful Oslo ... Anyway if you want to find out what I'm talking enough for scrappers on the go ASI Blog
Here are the details of the page


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