And yet here we are talking of this opposition no ifs, ands or buts against the Catholic Church, the Church of Rome.
Yes, I am a Catholic. I consider myself a non-practicing (and here I have had many discussions with Catholic and not), but I must not speak of me.Nella my life have taught me one important thing: respect. For others (who deserve it of course, there are those who do not deserve it but serious crimes from my point of view) and the ideas of others. And with
the Catholic Church I do not agree on everything, but I respect it. Sometimes I found myself on the same line of thought, there are sometimes I found contrast, the scenes without ever do, place or theater plays.
Unfortunately, in the left "secular" Italian all this does not exist and that these days is yet another demonstration.
Apart from the opposition hard, and continues to the bitter end against the Church, apart from the continual attacks on all matters to be dealt with and apart from personal attacks and also, in my opinion, sometimes blasphemous, I think this time it is exaggerated: we arrived at not to express their ideas to a real act of censorship.
Yes, because as you know some teachers and students of the University of Rome (of which I am a student) has written to the Chancellor to cancel the visit of the Pope at the opening of the academic year the university.
And he left the usual mess of these fringes: the threat of banners, posters, "warm" welcome and who knows what else, saying that the positions of the Pope and the Church are contrary to research ... So what? E 'offense might have some opinions? E 'offense might express them in public?
makes me laugh Bonino, che dice "Il Papa ha sempre la possibilità di parlare e dire la propria, ora no!"; beh certo: ora la libertà di parola è a scadenza, limitata....me lo ero dimenticato, grazie Emma!..........Ma vergognati!
Una donna che tante battaglie radicali ha fatto che si è venduta alla sinistra, begli ideali...
In ogni caso a prescindere dalle mie opinioni personali, appunto: la libertà di parola c'è e non si può limitarla a proprio piacimento.
Anche perchè la Bonino è un'ipocrita: quante volte ha detto che qualcuno doveva dire la propria? Quante volte ha protestato dicendo che qualcuno non aveva potuto esprimersi su un certain topic? It will also be true that those who go with the lame .... but it seems a bit 'too much.
Anyway, as usual, have reached their goal, these "reactionaries in control": the Pope will not be opening.
On the Internet I read everything: who evoked the conquest of Rome by Garibaldi, who said that the Pope had not afford to accept the invitation .... What ridiculous.
growing up, learning what it means respect for others and their ideas (especially if expressed civilly) and learn to live with those who think like you, a volte anche all'opposto.
A me personalmente non interessava affatto questa visita, con tutto che ho le mie idee riguardo alla ricerca ed alle posizioni della Chiesa a riguardo.
Non deve interferire tutto questo con quella cerimonia.
C'è chi la vede in un modo, chi in un altro. Si poteva essere d'accordo con il discorso del Papa oppure in disaccordo, ma io rimango dell'idea che gli si doveva lasciare la possibilità di farlo.
L'unica critica vera, giusta che si potessa fare era una sola (e non l'ho sentita): Since the inauguration of an academic year of a prestigious university did not make sense to invite the leader of a foreign state (this is the Pope), as well as a religious leader and not a theologian (besides the fact that the Pope would go as a Pope not a theologian asserted).
This is the only sensible and constructive criticism, but no one has asserted.
to me all these meaningless events (opening of the academic years, the judicial year, the talk of the end year of the head of state, etc.) are not neither hot nor cold, do not say anything.
'm not pissed off as a Catholic, are pissed off about how it is moved, for the manipulation of an event and a share, for the usual way of doing things by making a big noise in a biased and partial.
and convinces me even more of my ideas ...
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