.... we are almost on the same line!
I do not honestly would have expected.
is certain is that yesterday's news hano shaken the current political environment.
In any case as I feel the opposition, and many have told him Mastella (who do not know what to share with this government if not the chair), I must say that this time I'm almost to back and I'm in also consistent with what was said yesterday by Castelli Porta a Porta.
Analyze points of contact and not with what was said during these two days from Mastella.
First of all I would stress that finally someone has difficulty in had the balls to resign from a position of such importance as that of Mastella, namely Minister of Justice.
Yesterday I thought of facing the usual skits "I resign", "No, I refuse to resign," "ah ok, then rest."
Instead, I am very pleased that Mastella has again confirmed the resignation putting the mandate to Prodi. Certain other
(do names at random? Padoa Schioppa, Visco, etc ... Oops, I left!) Have not done so, even after being proven wrong big time.
is perhaps the critical point where Mastella.
rightly criticized as these are easily disseminated and fed the press, as they are taken out of context-free parts that take on a different meaning, as his wife has been able to be investigated (or under house arrest) by the press and the judiciary ...
Clemente alarm! You can tell now? When Berlusconi was up to instead read enough solidarity and criticism after the event?
We know that the Italian judiciary is ill.
This is evidenced by many things: the obsessive use of the action (on appeal, the Supreme Court, the state pays much ...), the infinite length of trials, the great privileges that this "caste" (who refuses to accept the adjustment that would limit judicial these privileges), the excessive and continuous drain news of which, however, have never respondi and so on ...
indecency ATTORNEY
But we want to talk about the public prosecutor in Santa Maria Capua Vetere??
Then two things must be said.
E 'it possible that a prosecutor first face arrest of persons without criminal record and then fried to say "no, not my jurisdiction, now everything goes to Naples," as well Mastella said?
For me it is indecent! Crazy!
Second Note. Have you seen
Door to Door last night?
I believe that the prosecutor is a bad person (I'm holding).
you realize that you do not know how many journalists microphones, tape recorders, notebooks and cameras was surprised to be registered??
"But I just had to give a press ..."........ Fuck it! And now I came out!
And we are in the hands of people like that?? And we thought
randomly when they started to make him uncomfortable questions (relationships in local government, etc.).
pity that the story should have ended with this choice of "dear" Clement to give outside support to the government ... Well, from the I said, it seemed strange to find to support Mastella!
In any case it seems to me a beginning of dissociation, since the ex-minister is also planning a demonstration in support of the Pope for what happened to Wisdom ...
We'll see, we'll see.
I do not honestly would have expected.
is certain is that yesterday's news hano shaken the current political environment.
In any case as I feel the opposition, and many have told him Mastella (who do not know what to share with this government if not the chair), I must say that this time I'm almost to back and I'm in also consistent with what was said yesterday by Castelli Porta a Porta.
Analyze points of contact and not with what was said during these two days from Mastella.
First of all I would stress that finally someone has difficulty in had the balls to resign from a position of such importance as that of Mastella, namely Minister of Justice.
Yesterday I thought of facing the usual skits "I resign", "No, I refuse to resign," "ah ok, then rest."
Instead, I am very pleased that Mastella has again confirmed the resignation putting the mandate to Prodi. Certain other
(do names at random? Padoa Schioppa, Visco, etc ... Oops, I left!) Have not done so, even after being proven wrong big time.
is perhaps the critical point where Mastella.
rightly criticized as these are easily disseminated and fed the press, as they are taken out of context-free parts that take on a different meaning, as his wife has been able to be investigated (or under house arrest) by the press and the judiciary ...
Clemente alarm! You can tell now? When Berlusconi was up to instead read enough solidarity and criticism after the event?
We know that the Italian judiciary is ill.
This is evidenced by many things: the obsessive use of the action (on appeal, the Supreme Court, the state pays much ...), the infinite length of trials, the great privileges that this "caste" (who refuses to accept the adjustment that would limit judicial these privileges), the excessive and continuous drain news of which, however, have never respondi and so on ...
indecency ATTORNEY
But we want to talk about the public prosecutor in Santa Maria Capua Vetere??
Then two things must be said.
E 'it possible that a prosecutor first face arrest of persons without criminal record and then fried to say "no, not my jurisdiction, now everything goes to Naples," as well Mastella said?
For me it is indecent! Crazy!
Second Note. Have you seen
Door to Door last night?
I believe that the prosecutor is a bad person (I'm holding).
you realize that you do not know how many journalists microphones, tape recorders, notebooks and cameras was surprised to be registered??
"But I just had to give a press ..."........ Fuck it! And now I came out!
And we are in the hands of people like that?? And we thought
randomly when they started to make him uncomfortable questions (relationships in local government, etc.).
pity that the story should have ended with this choice of "dear" Clement to give outside support to the government ... Well, from the I said, it seemed strange to find to support Mastella!
In any case it seems to me a beginning of dissociation, since the ex-minister is also planning a demonstration in support of the Pope for what happened to Wisdom ...
We'll see, we'll see.
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