So it is useless to go on all the facts of these days, even the latter period.
From the beginning he knew that such a government could not do much. Without
then analyze the actions of their government fell last night (and I would say che è anche meglio per non sparare sulla croce rossa), vorrei proporre un semplice riassunto dei principali errori dell'ormai ex-governo.
Perchè diciamocelo: questo governo ha perso la sua scommessa A PRESCINDERE dalla legge elettorale e questo chiunque con un po' di autocritica, di ragionamento e di intelligenza lo può ammettere senza problemi.
Il più grande errore fu nello scegliere la coalizione, anzi fu nella scelta dell'obiettivo della coalizione: l'anti-CDL o meglio l'anti-berlusconi.
Certo in questo modo il centro-sinistra è riuscito a battere "l'odiato nemico", ma a che prezzo? Al prezzo di screditarsi di fronte agli italiani tutti perchè bloccato dalle sue contraddizioni interne.
Non è certo pensabile poter governare avendo da una parte i Comunisti Italiani, Rifondazione Comunista e dall'altra l'Udeur e l'ex-Margherita (in ogni caso la componente cattolica del PD).
Posizioni troppo distanti e troppo contrastanti su tanti temi diversi.
E senza l'Udeur non avrebbero MAI vinto.
In questo modo l'estrema sinistra si è sputtanata piegando spesso la testa, il governo non ha fatto nulla e l'Italia è rimasta alla deriva.
Altro punto che credo abbia attecchito molto sugli italiani.
Esistono a mio avviso due grandi filoni di pensiero:
1) Prima prendo i soldi dagli italiani (alzando le tasse); then when the Italians pay enough I start to fall. ---> So, unfortunately, feeds into tax evasion, for one simple reason: if the Italian can see that already does not earn a lot and half of his salary goes in tax, this has led to escape.
2) lower taxes to pay for all Italians. ---> In this way the average Italian can see that the government is meeting with less taxes is "basically" brought to pay the full tax, instead of escape (escaping or less). Of course such a policy should be accompanied with severe MUST anti-avoidance measures (fines, imprisonment in extreme cases, more frequent and a little 'stiffer, etc.)
Unfortunately, the government has chosen the road (1), same time decided to fight avoidance (too bad that evasion is combated by the Guardia di Finanza).
The real work of government were not implemented (the famous case of paying the amounts over 500 € ONLY by check, a nice gift to banks).
Furthermore, the Government has made a mistake in the use of so-called Tesoretto.
could be used to reduce debt and then not to raise taxes, but he did not ...
arrogance and stubbornness
Prodi can say what he wants, but we know that his sense was not the state, but arrogance and stubbornness.
E '"natural" that the government normally lose support in office (unfortunately so).
But when you see that:
- 75% of Italians are against the government policy
- the majority is divided on everything
Maybe a little 'self-criticism would not hurt and, in my view, the Italians would have preferred and considered a partial positive Mea Culpa.
And do not feel confident to say in his speech to the "we lowered taxes," "we have redistributed to families", etc..
Because the last act of 2007 was also the reduction of the Thirteenth.
And the Italians, especially at this time, watch your wallet and do not laugh at all.
happen now?
There are two options:
1) You go to the polls in spring
2) It is a government institutional / technical / call it-as-you-think
The problem of (1) is that we may find ourselves with the Senate in a situation similar to the one just passed.
The problem of (2) is that the new government probably would not have time to stop the referendum and many parties do not want it, already creating a first hurdle to overcome.
We'll see what our "big" politicians decide for the country ...
meantime I think we are there a burden lifted, hoping not to fall down again with the next decision in coming ...
From the beginning he knew that such a government could not do much. Without
then analyze the actions of their government fell last night (and I would say che è anche meglio per non sparare sulla croce rossa), vorrei proporre un semplice riassunto dei principali errori dell'ormai ex-governo.
Perchè diciamocelo: questo governo ha perso la sua scommessa A PRESCINDERE dalla legge elettorale e questo chiunque con un po' di autocritica, di ragionamento e di intelligenza lo può ammettere senza problemi.
Il più grande errore fu nello scegliere la coalizione, anzi fu nella scelta dell'obiettivo della coalizione: l'anti-CDL o meglio l'anti-berlusconi.
Certo in questo modo il centro-sinistra è riuscito a battere "l'odiato nemico", ma a che prezzo? Al prezzo di screditarsi di fronte agli italiani tutti perchè bloccato dalle sue contraddizioni interne.
Non è certo pensabile poter governare avendo da una parte i Comunisti Italiani, Rifondazione Comunista e dall'altra l'Udeur e l'ex-Margherita (in ogni caso la componente cattolica del PD).
Posizioni troppo distanti e troppo contrastanti su tanti temi diversi.
E senza l'Udeur non avrebbero MAI vinto.
In questo modo l'estrema sinistra si è sputtanata piegando spesso la testa, il governo non ha fatto nulla e l'Italia è rimasta alla deriva.
Altro punto che credo abbia attecchito molto sugli italiani.
Esistono a mio avviso due grandi filoni di pensiero:
1) Prima prendo i soldi dagli italiani (alzando le tasse); then when the Italians pay enough I start to fall. ---> So, unfortunately, feeds into tax evasion, for one simple reason: if the Italian can see that already does not earn a lot and half of his salary goes in tax, this has led to escape.
2) lower taxes to pay for all Italians. ---> In this way the average Italian can see that the government is meeting with less taxes is "basically" brought to pay the full tax, instead of escape (escaping or less). Of course such a policy should be accompanied with severe MUST anti-avoidance measures (fines, imprisonment in extreme cases, more frequent and a little 'stiffer, etc.)
Unfortunately, the government has chosen the road (1), same time decided to fight avoidance (too bad that evasion is combated by the Guardia di Finanza).
The real work of government were not implemented (the famous case of paying the amounts over 500 € ONLY by check, a nice gift to banks).
Furthermore, the Government has made a mistake in the use of so-called Tesoretto.
could be used to reduce debt and then not to raise taxes, but he did not ...
arrogance and stubbornness
Prodi can say what he wants, but we know that his sense was not the state, but arrogance and stubbornness.
E '"natural" that the government normally lose support in office (unfortunately so).
But when you see that:
- 75% of Italians are against the government policy
- the majority is divided on everything
Maybe a little 'self-criticism would not hurt and, in my view, the Italians would have preferred and considered a partial positive Mea Culpa.
And do not feel confident to say in his speech to the "we lowered taxes," "we have redistributed to families", etc..
Because the last act of 2007 was also the reduction of the Thirteenth.
And the Italians, especially at this time, watch your wallet and do not laugh at all.
happen now?
There are two options:
1) You go to the polls in spring
2) It is a government institutional / technical / call it-as-you-think
The problem of (1) is that we may find ourselves with the Senate in a situation similar to the one just passed.
The problem of (2) is that the new government probably would not have time to stop the referendum and many parties do not want it, already creating a first hurdle to overcome.
We'll see what our "big" politicians decide for the country ...
meantime I think we are there a burden lifted, hoping not to fall down again with the next decision in coming ...
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