Potrebbe essere la soluzione...
could be the solution .....
Life should be lived to the contrary.
For a start you should start dying and so Tricca tracchete trauma is beyond beautiful.
Then you wake up in a hospital bed and appreciate the fact that you go improving day by day.
Then you resign because you are good and the first thing you do is go pick up your mail to the board and you enjoy the most.
Over time, your strength increases, your body improves, the wrinkles disappear.
Then start working on the first day and they give you a gold watch.
work forty years until you're so young to properly take advantage of the withdrawal from the labor force.
Then go to the party feast, drink, games, do you have sex and get ready to get up to.
Then starts school, play with friends, without any obligations and responsibilities, as long as you are not baby.
When you're small enough, you stick in a place that by now you know very well.
The last nine months will walk you float serene and peaceful, in a heated room service and much love, no one will break my balls.
abbondoni this world And in the end in an orgasm ...
Woody Allen
I could not bring this gem of Woody Allen who made me die laughing!
Big Woody!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Feeling Wetjust Before Period
XX Polis - Numero 5
is number 5 out of XX Polis, the monthly XX Municipio, Rome and beyond.
You can download it HERE.
In this issue:
- The question of "high-priced"
- The work done in the twentieth
City Hall - The question of abandonment of dogs and kennels
- City Hall News on XX and Rome
- Corner Romano, our well established contacts
- And much more
is number 5 out of XX Polis, the monthly XX Municipio, Rome and beyond.
You can download it HERE.
In this issue:
- The question of "high-priced"
- The work done in the twentieth
City Hall - The question of abandonment of dogs and kennels
- City Hall News on XX and Rome
- Corner Romano, our well established contacts
- And much more
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Women Inseting Tampons
Le Foibe. Ricordiamo, sempre.

Today, as you know now, was set the day of remembrance for the dead Foibe.
Today is finally remembered one of the worst events in a war, but which have nothing to do with how successful a war because we can not accept, understand or justify in any way.
The Italian left has never wanted admit what you did to Tito and his communist partisans.
Only recently a part of the left began to admit to no longer justified, not to deny the obvious.
And to say it was wrong to hide those tragic events.
Better late than never I would say, but despite this there are those who still try to distort the facts.
And let the truth.
In retaliation made by the Slavs (a real ethnic cleansing) morino opponents and not the fascists, but all died without distinction: being Italian enough.
And they died both young and adults, children and old men and women.
too sick, too injured anyone. There
was pity.
Worse still the luckiest shot died, while many were thrown into ravines still alive and died there in the dark, among many other human bodies ... slowly.
The sinkholes were narrow, narrow and deep, but even worse it was almost impossible (for the survivors of the fall) to move to climb to safety.
We always remember all this and we must prevent anyone from ever disgracing all those victims with a revisionism of some kind, distorting the facts.
Today is finally remembered one of the worst events in a war, but which have nothing to do with how successful a war because we can not accept, understand or justify in any way.
The Italian left has never wanted admit what you did to Tito and his communist partisans.
Only recently a part of the left began to admit to no longer justified, not to deny the obvious.
And to say it was wrong to hide those tragic events.
Better late than never I would say, but despite this there are those who still try to distort the facts.
And let the truth.
In retaliation made by the Slavs (a real ethnic cleansing) morino opponents and not the fascists, but all died without distinction: being Italian enough.
And they died both young and adults, children and old men and women.
too sick, too injured anyone. There
was pity.
Worse still the luckiest shot died, while many were thrown into ravines still alive and died there in the dark, among many other human bodies ... slowly.
The sinkholes were narrow, narrow and deep, but even worse it was almost impossible (for the survivors of the fall) to move to climb to safety.
We always remember all this and we must prevent anyone from ever disgracing all those victims with a revisionism of some kind, distorting the facts.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Vice City Pc Unhandled Exception At C0000005
Finally at the polls!
Oh, to be honest electoral reform would, but on this I and the center are on the same line: at the moment, with today's political forces, there is no possibility of an agreement.
And it's true. Now
an agreement on the electoral law should be fast, otherwise we would be without a real government for who knows how long.
might as well go to the polls with this law and change it in the next legislature.
And do not mess with us, dear Veltroni.
E 'Needless to say, "not three years, but only 3 months! What change?".
so easy to say, when you are moved by fear of losing the election, and while making campaign. Why
the center wants electoral reform.
no coincidence that Berlusconi ha già detto: dopo le elezioni sono pronto a dialogare con coloro "dell'altra parte" dotati di buon senso e buona volontà.
Bene, ben venga una collaborazione in tal senso.
Le riforme vanno fatte, su questo non ci piove.
Abbiamo però bisogno di un governo decente per farle, anche collaborando con parte dell'opposizione.
Ricordiamoci anche che dopo queste elezioni Berlusconi lo aveva già detto: collaboriamo, visto che la maggioranza è così risicata.
Ma QUALCUNO (a caso) gli ha chiuso la porta in faccia.
Basta ipocrisia (la mossa di veltroni di far passare la CDL come coloro che non vogliono dialogo), basta immobilismo: diamoci una mossa che l'Italia non può rimanere ferma!

Finally at the polls!
Oh, to be honest electoral reform would, but on this I and the center are on the same line: at the moment, with today's political forces, there is no possibility of an agreement.
And it's true. Now
an agreement on the electoral law should be fast, otherwise we would be without a real government for who knows how long.
might as well go to the polls with this law and change it in the next legislature.
And do not mess with us, dear Veltroni.
E 'Needless to say, "not three years, but only 3 months! What change?".
so easy to say, when you are moved by fear of losing the election, and while making campaign. Why
the center wants electoral reform.
no coincidence that Berlusconi ha già detto: dopo le elezioni sono pronto a dialogare con coloro "dell'altra parte" dotati di buon senso e buona volontà.
Bene, ben venga una collaborazione in tal senso.
Le riforme vanno fatte, su questo non ci piove.
Abbiamo però bisogno di un governo decente per farle, anche collaborando con parte dell'opposizione.
Ricordiamoci anche che dopo queste elezioni Berlusconi lo aveva già detto: collaboriamo, visto che la maggioranza è così risicata.
Ma QUALCUNO (a caso) gli ha chiuso la porta in faccia.
Basta ipocrisia (la mossa di veltroni di far passare la CDL come coloro che non vogliono dialogo), basta immobilismo: diamoci una mossa che l'Italia non può rimanere ferma!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Ford Mondeo Outside Temperature Celsius
XX Polis - Numero 4
Come ogni mese, ecco il nuovo numero di XX Polis, il giornale gratuito del XX Municipio, di Roma e non solo.
Tutto per voi!
Per scaricarlo in formato .pdf basta che clicchiate QUI.
In questo numero:
- l'emergenza rifiuti campana
- la nuova rubrica "dite la vostra!"
- la nuova rubrica "l'angolo del romano"
- notizie sul xx municipio e su roma
Come ogni mese, ecco il nuovo numero di XX Polis, il giornale gratuito del XX Municipio, di Roma e non solo.
Tutto per voi!
Per scaricarlo in formato .pdf basta che clicchiate QUI.
In questo numero:
- l'emergenza rifiuti campana
- la nuova rubrica "dite la vostra!"
- la nuova rubrica "l'angolo del romano"
- notizie sul xx municipio e su roma
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sirloin Tip Roast For Rotisserie
La lista di Schindler...

Ho appena finito di rivedere Schindler's List.
Non l'ho visto tutto oggi, non sapevo nemmeno lo dessero stasera, ma una volta trovato per sbaglio e nonostante l'abbia seen several times, I could not help but stay glued to the TV.
And damn I can not help being moved by seeing this movie ...
Thank Oskar Schindler.
Thanks to people like you have saved lives.
"Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire"
now and always remember what happened.
Do not forget ...
Friday, January 25, 2008
Connect External Harddrive To Dvd Recorder
E sono Mille (anche di più): grazie!
Yes, today my counter has exceeded 1,000 visitors.
This blog was created in late September 2007, but the counter was added until 29 November 2007.
Thank you for your trust, for your attention and the time devoted following my blog and what I write. Now the counter marks
for fun and adventure born addicted to my free time, but that is giving me satisfaction.
soon dear readers!
And very soon will come the new number of XX Polis, free newspaper that I'm proud to be the director.
Yes, today my counter has exceeded 1,000 visitors.
This blog was created in late September 2007, but the counter was added until 29 November 2007.
Thank you for your trust, for your attention and the time devoted following my blog and what I write. Now the counter marks
for fun and adventure born addicted to my free time, but that is giving me satisfaction.
soon dear readers!
And very soon will come the new number of XX Polis, free newspaper that I'm proud to be the director.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Congratulations Baby Message Funny
Attenzione!!! Cadeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......

So it is useless to go on all the facts of these days, even the latter period.
From the beginning he knew that such a government could not do much. Without
then analyze the actions of their government fell last night (and I would say che è anche meglio per non sparare sulla croce rossa), vorrei proporre un semplice riassunto dei principali errori dell'ormai ex-governo.
Perchè diciamocelo: questo governo ha perso la sua scommessa A PRESCINDERE dalla legge elettorale e questo chiunque con un po' di autocritica, di ragionamento e di intelligenza lo può ammettere senza problemi.
Il più grande errore fu nello scegliere la coalizione, anzi fu nella scelta dell'obiettivo della coalizione: l'anti-CDL o meglio l'anti-berlusconi.
Certo in questo modo il centro-sinistra è riuscito a battere "l'odiato nemico", ma a che prezzo? Al prezzo di screditarsi di fronte agli italiani tutti perchè bloccato dalle sue contraddizioni interne.
Non è certo pensabile poter governare avendo da una parte i Comunisti Italiani, Rifondazione Comunista e dall'altra l'Udeur e l'ex-Margherita (in ogni caso la componente cattolica del PD).
Posizioni troppo distanti e troppo contrastanti su tanti temi diversi.
E senza l'Udeur non avrebbero MAI vinto.
In questo modo l'estrema sinistra si è sputtanata piegando spesso la testa, il governo non ha fatto nulla e l'Italia è rimasta alla deriva.
Altro punto che credo abbia attecchito molto sugli italiani.
Esistono a mio avviso due grandi filoni di pensiero:
1) Prima prendo i soldi dagli italiani (alzando le tasse); then when the Italians pay enough I start to fall. ---> So, unfortunately, feeds into tax evasion, for one simple reason: if the Italian can see that already does not earn a lot and half of his salary goes in tax, this has led to escape.
2) lower taxes to pay for all Italians. ---> In this way the average Italian can see that the government is meeting with less taxes is "basically" brought to pay the full tax, instead of escape (escaping or less). Of course such a policy should be accompanied with severe MUST anti-avoidance measures (fines, imprisonment in extreme cases, more frequent and a little 'stiffer, etc.)
Unfortunately, the government has chosen the road (1), same time decided to fight avoidance (too bad that evasion is combated by the Guardia di Finanza).
The real work of government were not implemented (the famous case of paying the amounts over 500 € ONLY by check, a nice gift to banks).
Furthermore, the Government has made a mistake in the use of so-called Tesoretto.
could be used to reduce debt and then not to raise taxes, but he did not ...
arrogance and stubbornness
Prodi can say what he wants, but we know that his sense was not the state, but arrogance and stubbornness.
E '"natural" that the government normally lose support in office (unfortunately so).
But when you see that:
- 75% of Italians are against the government policy
- the majority is divided on everything
Maybe a little 'self-criticism would not hurt and, in my view, the Italians would have preferred and considered a partial positive Mea Culpa.
And do not feel confident to say in his speech to the "we lowered taxes," "we have redistributed to families", etc..
Because the last act of 2007 was also the reduction of the Thirteenth.
And the Italians, especially at this time, watch your wallet and do not laugh at all.
happen now?
There are two options:
1) You go to the polls in spring
2) It is a government institutional / technical / call it-as-you-think
The problem of (1) is that we may find ourselves with the Senate in a situation similar to the one just passed.
The problem of (2) is that the new government probably would not have time to stop the referendum and many parties do not want it, already creating a first hurdle to overcome.
We'll see what our "big" politicians decide for the country ...
meantime I think we are there a burden lifted, hoping not to fall down again with the next decision in coming ...
From the beginning he knew that such a government could not do much. Without
then analyze the actions of their government fell last night (and I would say che è anche meglio per non sparare sulla croce rossa), vorrei proporre un semplice riassunto dei principali errori dell'ormai ex-governo.
Perchè diciamocelo: questo governo ha perso la sua scommessa A PRESCINDERE dalla legge elettorale e questo chiunque con un po' di autocritica, di ragionamento e di intelligenza lo può ammettere senza problemi.
Il più grande errore fu nello scegliere la coalizione, anzi fu nella scelta dell'obiettivo della coalizione: l'anti-CDL o meglio l'anti-berlusconi.
Certo in questo modo il centro-sinistra è riuscito a battere "l'odiato nemico", ma a che prezzo? Al prezzo di screditarsi di fronte agli italiani tutti perchè bloccato dalle sue contraddizioni interne.
Non è certo pensabile poter governare avendo da una parte i Comunisti Italiani, Rifondazione Comunista e dall'altra l'Udeur e l'ex-Margherita (in ogni caso la componente cattolica del PD).
Posizioni troppo distanti e troppo contrastanti su tanti temi diversi.
E senza l'Udeur non avrebbero MAI vinto.
In questo modo l'estrema sinistra si è sputtanata piegando spesso la testa, il governo non ha fatto nulla e l'Italia è rimasta alla deriva.
Altro punto che credo abbia attecchito molto sugli italiani.
Esistono a mio avviso due grandi filoni di pensiero:
1) Prima prendo i soldi dagli italiani (alzando le tasse); then when the Italians pay enough I start to fall. ---> So, unfortunately, feeds into tax evasion, for one simple reason: if the Italian can see that already does not earn a lot and half of his salary goes in tax, this has led to escape.
2) lower taxes to pay for all Italians. ---> In this way the average Italian can see that the government is meeting with less taxes is "basically" brought to pay the full tax, instead of escape (escaping or less). Of course such a policy should be accompanied with severe MUST anti-avoidance measures (fines, imprisonment in extreme cases, more frequent and a little 'stiffer, etc.)
Unfortunately, the government has chosen the road (1), same time decided to fight avoidance (too bad that evasion is combated by the Guardia di Finanza).
The real work of government were not implemented (the famous case of paying the amounts over 500 € ONLY by check, a nice gift to banks).
Furthermore, the Government has made a mistake in the use of so-called Tesoretto.
could be used to reduce debt and then not to raise taxes, but he did not ...
arrogance and stubbornness
Prodi can say what he wants, but we know that his sense was not the state, but arrogance and stubbornness.
E '"natural" that the government normally lose support in office (unfortunately so).
But when you see that:
- 75% of Italians are against the government policy
- the majority is divided on everything
Maybe a little 'self-criticism would not hurt and, in my view, the Italians would have preferred and considered a partial positive Mea Culpa.
And do not feel confident to say in his speech to the "we lowered taxes," "we have redistributed to families", etc..
Because the last act of 2007 was also the reduction of the Thirteenth.
And the Italians, especially at this time, watch your wallet and do not laugh at all.
happen now?
There are two options:
1) You go to the polls in spring
2) It is a government institutional / technical / call it-as-you-think
The problem of (1) is that we may find ourselves with the Senate in a situation similar to the one just passed.
The problem of (2) is that the new government probably would not have time to stop the referendum and many parties do not want it, already creating a first hurdle to overcome.
We'll see what our "big" politicians decide for the country ...
meantime I think we are there a burden lifted, hoping not to fall down again with the next decision in coming ...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Lorna Morgan On The Beach Vid
Incredibile, io e Mastella...

.... we are almost on the same line!
I do not honestly would have expected.
is certain is that yesterday's news hano shaken the current political environment.
In any case as I feel the opposition, and many have told him Mastella (who do not know what to share with this government if not the chair), I must say that this time I'm almost to back and I'm in also consistent with what was said yesterday by Castelli Porta a Porta.
Analyze points of contact and not with what was said during these two days from Mastella.
First of all I would stress that finally someone has difficulty in had the balls to resign from a position of such importance as that of Mastella, namely Minister of Justice.
Yesterday I thought of facing the usual skits "I resign", "No, I refuse to resign," "ah ok, then rest."
Instead, I am very pleased that Mastella has again confirmed the resignation putting the mandate to Prodi. Certain other
(do names at random? Padoa Schioppa, Visco, etc ... Oops, I left!) Have not done so, even after being proven wrong big time.
is perhaps the critical point where Mastella.
rightly criticized as these are easily disseminated and fed the press, as they are taken out of context-free parts that take on a different meaning, as his wife has been able to be investigated (or under house arrest) by the press and the judiciary ...
Clemente alarm! You can tell now? When Berlusconi was up to instead read enough solidarity and criticism after the event?
We know that the Italian judiciary is ill.
This is evidenced by many things: the obsessive use of the action (on appeal, the Supreme Court, the state pays much ...), the infinite length of trials, the great privileges that this "caste" (who refuses to accept the adjustment that would limit judicial these privileges), the excessive and continuous drain news of which, however, have never respondi and so on ...
indecency ATTORNEY
But we want to talk about the public prosecutor in Santa Maria Capua Vetere??
Then two things must be said.
E 'it possible that a prosecutor first face arrest of persons without criminal record and then fried to say "no, not my jurisdiction, now everything goes to Naples," as well Mastella said?
For me it is indecent! Crazy!
Second Note. Have you seen
Door to Door last night?
I believe that the prosecutor is a bad person (I'm holding).
you realize that you do not know how many journalists microphones, tape recorders, notebooks and cameras was surprised to be registered??
"But I just had to give a press ..."........ Fuck it! And now I came out!
And we are in the hands of people like that?? And we thought
randomly when they started to make him uncomfortable questions (relationships in local government, etc.).
pity that the story should have ended with this choice of "dear" Clement to give outside support to the government ... Well, from the I said, it seemed strange to find to support Mastella!
In any case it seems to me a beginning of dissociation, since the ex-minister is also planning a demonstration in support of the Pope for what happened to Wisdom ...
We'll see, we'll see.
I do not honestly would have expected.
is certain is that yesterday's news hano shaken the current political environment.
In any case as I feel the opposition, and many have told him Mastella (who do not know what to share with this government if not the chair), I must say that this time I'm almost to back and I'm in also consistent with what was said yesterday by Castelli Porta a Porta.
Analyze points of contact and not with what was said during these two days from Mastella.
First of all I would stress that finally someone has difficulty in had the balls to resign from a position of such importance as that of Mastella, namely Minister of Justice.
Yesterday I thought of facing the usual skits "I resign", "No, I refuse to resign," "ah ok, then rest."
Instead, I am very pleased that Mastella has again confirmed the resignation putting the mandate to Prodi. Certain other
(do names at random? Padoa Schioppa, Visco, etc ... Oops, I left!) Have not done so, even after being proven wrong big time.
is perhaps the critical point where Mastella.
rightly criticized as these are easily disseminated and fed the press, as they are taken out of context-free parts that take on a different meaning, as his wife has been able to be investigated (or under house arrest) by the press and the judiciary ...
Clemente alarm! You can tell now? When Berlusconi was up to instead read enough solidarity and criticism after the event?
We know that the Italian judiciary is ill.
This is evidenced by many things: the obsessive use of the action (on appeal, the Supreme Court, the state pays much ...), the infinite length of trials, the great privileges that this "caste" (who refuses to accept the adjustment that would limit judicial these privileges), the excessive and continuous drain news of which, however, have never respondi and so on ...
indecency ATTORNEY
But we want to talk about the public prosecutor in Santa Maria Capua Vetere??
Then two things must be said.
E 'it possible that a prosecutor first face arrest of persons without criminal record and then fried to say "no, not my jurisdiction, now everything goes to Naples," as well Mastella said?
For me it is indecent! Crazy!
Second Note. Have you seen
Door to Door last night?
I believe that the prosecutor is a bad person (I'm holding).
you realize that you do not know how many journalists microphones, tape recorders, notebooks and cameras was surprised to be registered??
"But I just had to give a press ..."........ Fuck it! And now I came out!
And we are in the hands of people like that?? And we thought
randomly when they started to make him uncomfortable questions (relationships in local government, etc.).
pity that the story should have ended with this choice of "dear" Clement to give outside support to the government ... Well, from the I said, it seemed strange to find to support Mastella!
In any case it seems to me a beginning of dissociation, since the ex-minister is also planning a demonstration in support of the Pope for what happened to Wisdom ...
We'll see, we'll see.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Milena Velba - Bouncing Off Walls
L'Anno Accademico della discordia
And yet here we are talking of this opposition no ifs, ands or buts against the Catholic Church, the Church of Rome.
Yes, I am a Catholic. I consider myself a non-practicing (and here I have had many discussions with Catholic and not), but I must not speak of me.Nella my life have taught me one important thing: respect. For others (who deserve it of course, there are those who do not deserve it but serious crimes from my point of view) and the ideas of others. And with
the Catholic Church I do not agree on everything, but I respect it. Sometimes I found myself on the same line of thought, there are sometimes I found contrast, the scenes without ever do, place or theater plays.
Unfortunately, in the left "secular" Italian all this does not exist and that these days is yet another demonstration.
Apart from the opposition hard, and continues to the bitter end against the Church, apart from the continual attacks on all matters to be dealt with and apart from personal attacks and also, in my opinion, sometimes blasphemous, I think this time it is exaggerated: we arrived at not to express their ideas to a real act of censorship.
Yes, because as you know some teachers and students of the University of Rome (of which I am a student) has written to the Chancellor to cancel the visit of the Pope at the opening of the academic year the university.
And he left the usual mess of these fringes: the threat of banners, posters, "warm" welcome and who knows what else, saying that the positions of the Pope and the Church are contrary to research ... So what? E 'offense might have some opinions? E 'offense might express them in public?
makes me laugh Bonino, che dice "Il Papa ha sempre la possibilità di parlare e dire la propria, ora no!"; beh certo: ora la libertà di parola è a scadenza, limitata....me lo ero dimenticato, grazie Emma!..........Ma vergognati!
Una donna che tante battaglie radicali ha fatto che si è venduta alla sinistra, begli ideali...
In ogni caso a prescindere dalle mie opinioni personali, appunto: la libertà di parola c'è e non si può limitarla a proprio piacimento.
Anche perchè la Bonino è un'ipocrita: quante volte ha detto che qualcuno doveva dire la propria? Quante volte ha protestato dicendo che qualcuno non aveva potuto esprimersi su un certain topic? It will also be true that those who go with the lame .... but it seems a bit 'too much.
Anyway, as usual, have reached their goal, these "reactionaries in control": the Pope will not be opening.
On the Internet I read everything: who evoked the conquest of Rome by Garibaldi, who said that the Pope had not afford to accept the invitation .... What ridiculous.
growing up, learning what it means respect for others and their ideas (especially if expressed civilly) and learn to live with those who think like you, a volte anche all'opposto.
A me personalmente non interessava affatto questa visita, con tutto che ho le mie idee riguardo alla ricerca ed alle posizioni della Chiesa a riguardo.
Non deve interferire tutto questo con quella cerimonia.
C'è chi la vede in un modo, chi in un altro. Si poteva essere d'accordo con il discorso del Papa oppure in disaccordo, ma io rimango dell'idea che gli si doveva lasciare la possibilità di farlo.
L'unica critica vera, giusta che si potessa fare era una sola (e non l'ho sentita): Since the inauguration of an academic year of a prestigious university did not make sense to invite the leader of a foreign state (this is the Pope), as well as a religious leader and not a theologian (besides the fact that the Pope would go as a Pope not a theologian asserted).
This is the only sensible and constructive criticism, but no one has asserted.
to me all these meaningless events (opening of the academic years, the judicial year, the talk of the end year of the head of state, etc.) are not neither hot nor cold, do not say anything.
'm not pissed off as a Catholic, are pissed off about how it is moved, for the manipulation of an event and a share, for the usual way of doing things by making a big noise in a biased and partial.
and convinces me even more of my ideas ...

And yet here we are talking of this opposition no ifs, ands or buts against the Catholic Church, the Church of Rome.
Yes, I am a Catholic. I consider myself a non-practicing (and here I have had many discussions with Catholic and not), but I must not speak of me.Nella my life have taught me one important thing: respect. For others (who deserve it of course, there are those who do not deserve it but serious crimes from my point of view) and the ideas of others. And with
the Catholic Church I do not agree on everything, but I respect it. Sometimes I found myself on the same line of thought, there are sometimes I found contrast, the scenes without ever do, place or theater plays.
Unfortunately, in the left "secular" Italian all this does not exist and that these days is yet another demonstration.
Apart from the opposition hard, and continues to the bitter end against the Church, apart from the continual attacks on all matters to be dealt with and apart from personal attacks and also, in my opinion, sometimes blasphemous, I think this time it is exaggerated: we arrived at not to express their ideas to a real act of censorship.
Yes, because as you know some teachers and students of the University of Rome (of which I am a student) has written to the Chancellor to cancel the visit of the Pope at the opening of the academic year the university.
And he left the usual mess of these fringes: the threat of banners, posters, "warm" welcome and who knows what else, saying that the positions of the Pope and the Church are contrary to research ... So what? E 'offense might have some opinions? E 'offense might express them in public?
makes me laugh Bonino, che dice "Il Papa ha sempre la possibilità di parlare e dire la propria, ora no!"; beh certo: ora la libertà di parola è a scadenza, limitata....me lo ero dimenticato, grazie Emma!..........Ma vergognati!
Una donna che tante battaglie radicali ha fatto che si è venduta alla sinistra, begli ideali...
In ogni caso a prescindere dalle mie opinioni personali, appunto: la libertà di parola c'è e non si può limitarla a proprio piacimento.
Anche perchè la Bonino è un'ipocrita: quante volte ha detto che qualcuno doveva dire la propria? Quante volte ha protestato dicendo che qualcuno non aveva potuto esprimersi su un certain topic? It will also be true that those who go with the lame .... but it seems a bit 'too much.
Anyway, as usual, have reached their goal, these "reactionaries in control": the Pope will not be opening.
On the Internet I read everything: who evoked the conquest of Rome by Garibaldi, who said that the Pope had not afford to accept the invitation .... What ridiculous.
growing up, learning what it means respect for others and their ideas (especially if expressed civilly) and learn to live with those who think like you, a volte anche all'opposto.
A me personalmente non interessava affatto questa visita, con tutto che ho le mie idee riguardo alla ricerca ed alle posizioni della Chiesa a riguardo.
Non deve interferire tutto questo con quella cerimonia.
C'è chi la vede in un modo, chi in un altro. Si poteva essere d'accordo con il discorso del Papa oppure in disaccordo, ma io rimango dell'idea che gli si doveva lasciare la possibilità di farlo.
L'unica critica vera, giusta che si potessa fare era una sola (e non l'ho sentita): Since the inauguration of an academic year of a prestigious university did not make sense to invite the leader of a foreign state (this is the Pope), as well as a religious leader and not a theologian (besides the fact that the Pope would go as a Pope not a theologian asserted).
This is the only sensible and constructive criticism, but no one has asserted.
to me all these meaningless events (opening of the academic years, the judicial year, the talk of the end year of the head of state, etc.) are not neither hot nor cold, do not say anything.
'm not pissed off as a Catholic, are pissed off about how it is moved, for the manipulation of an event and a share, for the usual way of doing things by making a big noise in a biased and partial.
and convinces me even more of my ideas ...
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Daytime Emt Coursesnew York City
Io questi rifiuti non li voglio

beginning I was speechless in front of the carnage you see in Naples and surrounding areas.
is not possible that there will be reduced in a certain way, mafia or mafia.
Then (the step was short and fast anyway) I started to feel an anger that was growing all the time, a sense of justice and a feeling of contempt for all those who allowed this to happen.
to do a lot of confusion because only now I face the problem, I divide the issues critical to post.
I do not understand how one can still defend Iervolino, but especially Bassolino.
have in hand the power of Naples and the Campania region for 15 years and we really believe that they could not solve, at least in part, the problem? If we are honest
Bassolino is colluding with the Camorra, since he is from there all 15 years in Campania and was also Commissioner in respect of waste and is the head of the Campania Region and for so long.
E What does Bassolino? Admit guilt, but does not resign ...
say that all this is just disgusts me. If I had my flapping in prison and throw away the key.
Well and what about the government? How
said Iervolino (unloads barrel-started) a year ago Bertolaso \u200b\u200bhad drawn up a detailed report saying the problems and possible solutions and proposing what is, unfortunately, become a reality and the center-left government ...... it is easily fooled. Then
Prodi can not say on TV "This situation is close to my heart and I will observe carefully, trying to resolve it" because they knew damn at least a year! And
then a year ..... and we know from so long that the situation in Campania is critical ...
Prodi to take action.
- Send the army to clear: poor people. These are to make money and have to clean the streets from the waste days and days left in the open air.
- seek help from other regions to "voluntarily", but then is indignant if the regions refuse! Incredible! (In all cases with high costs for the state)
- Deciding on the construction of three incinerators (or incineration) in Campania ... But how?? You can not make even a single Acerra! And these are long-term solutions, we need a solution in the short term, before everything is ready.
- It was decided an extraordinarily Commissioner for 4 months (and thank goodness they had to remove the commissioner ...)
And what's also expensive Pecoraro Scanio? We are not in this situation also because of him and his Greens? Shame! Here is the Italy of NO leads to something!
Neapolitans ...
not deny that I feel absolutely no sympathy for the Neapolitans. I find them
profiteers, conspiratorial (about the Camorra mafia), arrogant, arrogant, undisciplined, thieves, tarot, uncaring, etc. ...
Apart from all this even though I analyze the situation of the local population.
- Have you continued to vote in mass Bassolino and Iervolino: then you deserve what is really happening!
- You have the lowest percentage of collection: the look you really!
- you never want to be prepared a landfill or incinerator, knowing that without you would be finished in this situation.
- You have accumulated in an indecent garbage on the street and have continued to live as if nothing had happened.
Fate sucks.
But a minimum of decency? A bit 'of SHAME?? In Milan
long time ago (as mentioned on TV a few days ago, a journalist I think) there was the waste problem. All rolled up their sleeves and the collection grew enormously in just a few days (30% if not mistaken) and now non hanno problemi.
Voi incendiate i rifiuti, assalte le forze dell'ordine e pure i vigili del fuoco! Vigliacchi!
L'unica nota di solidarietà la provo per i "pacifici" contestatori di Pianura.
Gli avevano promesso la chiusura della discarica, gli avevano promesso e progettato la riqualificazione dell'area....ed ora gli vogliono riaprire la discarica.
SOLO LORO meritano rispetto.
Per il resto confermate e consolidate quanto già penso dei napoletani.
Dopo la richiesta del Premier, alcune regioni hanno detto di sì.
La Sardegna: dannazione ci manca solo che riusciamo a rovinare anche la nostra isola col mare più bello!!!
E do not talk about solidarity! Soru is to the left and ran to the rescue of his government, moreover, these wastes will have to pay so much, so we earn as well!
Sicily also has come forward (I think just for the sake of gain and high domestic availability).
Lazio (maledizione!) with Marrazzo. For now I just
. But in any
where the population has arisen! I would like to see!
Also I'm pissed off black, as some of these damned waste me take them in Lazio!
I do not want to waste them!
say that all this is just disgusts me. If I had my flapping in prison and throw away the key.
Well and what about the government? How
said Iervolino (unloads barrel-started) a year ago Bertolaso \u200b\u200bhad drawn up a detailed report saying the problems and possible solutions and proposing what is, unfortunately, become a reality and the center-left government ...... it is easily fooled. Then
Prodi can not say on TV "This situation is close to my heart and I will observe carefully, trying to resolve it" because they knew damn at least a year! And
then a year ..... and we know from so long that the situation in Campania is critical ...
Prodi to take action.
- Send the army to clear: poor people. These are to make money and have to clean the streets from the waste days and days left in the open air.
- seek help from other regions to "voluntarily", but then is indignant if the regions refuse! Incredible! (In all cases with high costs for the state)
- Deciding on the construction of three incinerators (or incineration) in Campania ... But how?? You can not make even a single Acerra! And these are long-term solutions, we need a solution in the short term, before everything is ready.
- It was decided an extraordinarily Commissioner for 4 months (and thank goodness they had to remove the commissioner ...)
And what's also expensive Pecoraro Scanio? We are not in this situation also because of him and his Greens? Shame! Here is the Italy of NO leads to something!
Neapolitans ...
not deny that I feel absolutely no sympathy for the Neapolitans. I find them
profiteers, conspiratorial (about the Camorra mafia), arrogant, arrogant, undisciplined, thieves, tarot, uncaring, etc. ...
Apart from all this even though I analyze the situation of the local population.
- Have you continued to vote in mass Bassolino and Iervolino: then you deserve what is really happening!
- You have the lowest percentage of collection: the look you really!
- you never want to be prepared a landfill or incinerator, knowing that without you would be finished in this situation.
- You have accumulated in an indecent garbage on the street and have continued to live as if nothing had happened.
Fate sucks.
But a minimum of decency? A bit 'of SHAME?? In Milan
long time ago (as mentioned on TV a few days ago, a journalist I think) there was the waste problem. All rolled up their sleeves and the collection grew enormously in just a few days (30% if not mistaken) and now non hanno problemi.
Voi incendiate i rifiuti, assalte le forze dell'ordine e pure i vigili del fuoco! Vigliacchi!
L'unica nota di solidarietà la provo per i "pacifici" contestatori di Pianura.
Gli avevano promesso la chiusura della discarica, gli avevano promesso e progettato la riqualificazione dell'area....ed ora gli vogliono riaprire la discarica.
SOLO LORO meritano rispetto.
Per il resto confermate e consolidate quanto già penso dei napoletani.
Dopo la richiesta del Premier, alcune regioni hanno detto di sì.
La Sardegna: dannazione ci manca solo che riusciamo a rovinare anche la nostra isola col mare più bello!!!
E do not talk about solidarity! Soru is to the left and ran to the rescue of his government, moreover, these wastes will have to pay so much, so we earn as well!
Sicily also has come forward (I think just for the sake of gain and high domestic availability).
Lazio (maledizione!) with Marrazzo. For now I just
. But in any
where the population has arisen! I would like to see!
Also I'm pissed off black, as some of these damned waste me take them in Lazio!
I do not want to waste them!
How Many Computers Can Nero 9 Be Installed On
Di ritorno al mio blog
Yes, it's a nice little 'do not write that, even almost a month since .... last to make precise;)
between holidays, New Year outside of Rome, study for exams, meeting and preparation of the new issue of Polis XX and the resumption of football, time and desire to write on the blog I did not have much. .. Indeed, the desire was there as well, but the free time I could not leave him to write.
ideas swirled in the lead, especially with regard to the situation in Campania.
And now throw down something that I can not help myself!
Then something about the situation of the station of Tor di Quinto, where Giovanna Reggiani was killed and then we'll see ...
to work!
Yes, it's a nice little 'do not write that, even almost a month since .... last to make precise;)
between holidays, New Year outside of Rome, study for exams, meeting and preparation of the new issue of Polis XX and the resumption of football, time and desire to write on the blog I did not have much. .. Indeed, the desire was there as well, but the free time I could not leave him to write.
ideas swirled in the lead, especially with regard to the situation in Campania.
And now throw down something that I can not help myself!
Then something about the situation of the station of Tor di Quinto, where Giovanna Reggiani was killed and then we'll see ...
to work!
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