Friday, March 30, 2007

Silver Use Hybridbatteries

Lecture March 30 48th day of March 23

Con DENIS LONGHI (Mediateca Facoltà di Lettere, Università di Vercelli), abbiamo affrontato il tema:

Come gestire il problema di fruizione dinamica e attiva e creare un rapporto qualità-fruizione soddisfacente.
Obiettivo delle due giornate dedicate a questo argomento è arrivare a offrire un servizio di formazione a distanza comprendendo anche la gestione di formati video e audio.

VIDEO : capire come è inteso nel digitale
Tutti i video sono composti da frames – n. di fotografie racchiuse all’interno di un sec. Nel sistema europeo, i frames sono 25/sec.

FRAMERATE : n. di frames in un determinato intervallo di tempo, solitamente un secondo (FPS). Proporzionale alla risoluzione delle nostre potenzialità percettive.
La risoluzione di tutti i video è normalmente a risoluzione 720x540 (alta definizione).
Con il Codec base di compressione, per dare un rapporto peso/qualità accettabile, si raggiungono pesi già elevati. Dunque bisogna gestire bene i pixel.

The most popular video formats to analog are PAL and NTSC.
For backward compatibility we have tried to establish a correspondence between these two formats and the new digital formats.
There are also the SIF, CIF, QCIF QCIF
, tiny size and moved within a network among users who are enjoying the same time. Used primarily for videoconferencing.

We should often operate in terms of compression , that is to be digital audio and video data in less space than the original. The compression, however, involves a loss of quality. These formats are "lossy" because they lose the original resolution.
DVAVI The format has become a standard (the same format capture and playback, using the same principle of encoding and decoding).
now is catching on the HD. Format 1920x1080 (16:9) to give the film pr0fondità. More than twice the standard resolution today.
Data rate, already compressed: 320MB/sec.
The ideal: the only instrument to use to do video capture, editing and editing.

MPEG : another type of codec

DIVX : does not degrade the image for reducing weight, keep looking for meaningful images with the resolution and try to do interpolation points of reference. E 'in the transformation of the vector graphics. E 'therefore read format but with a high quality (a movie may be in 700Mb). Close-ups are almost always well defined, the longer plans are much less defined (potentially static part).

CBR and VBR encoding
With Constant Bit Rate (CBR) the number of bits transmitted per unit of time on a channel is constant. Because the information content varies from one image to another you must keep changing the degree of compression.
Consequently the quality of the coded sequence is not constant over time and this can be a disturbing factor for the observer.
In contrast, the encoding Variable Bit Rate (VBR) the number of bits transmitted on the channel varies over time depending on the complexity of images, thereby ensuring that the perceived quality is almost constant.

Standard MPEG (compression and the representation of digital video)
There are 4 versions
latest version, MPEG-4, the objectives pursued by the standard are:
the ability to manage user data (MBR Multiple Bit Rate)
protection of copyright and illegal copies of digital content encoded
E 'attempt to develop a standard for transmitting interattiva di prodotti multimediali che incorpori audio e video.

Abbiamo poi parlato di come si compone il sistema di acquisizione, codifica, pubblicazione/archivio e distribuzione (sistemi hardware e software) e dunque di flussi audio-video in internet.
L’ultima parte della lezione è stata dedicata ad una introduzione ad un software per il montaggio video che si chiama ADOBE PREMIERE.La dispensa in ppt preparata dal docente è poi un sussidio importante per tutte le indicazioni tecniche e gli approfondimenti necessari.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Candy With The Lowest Carbs

Lesson Lesson

Nel corso della lezione di oggi, tenuta dal docente Riccardo Zanini, si è parlato di Mobile Learning.

We first summarized what has been seen in previous lessons, or what are the platforms that are used for mobile-learning and what are the services (instant messaging, wap, web, MMS, voice, sms) through which possible to dispense the contents: these are distributed through the services offered by telecom operators, in turn, the services rely on different platforms and technologies with each other in general, more complex services require more complex technologies. He then spoke of the devices (mobile phones, pocket PCs, personal digital assistants, smartphones) that are used for the use of mobile-learning, have been examined the features of the i-pod and a comparison was made between the various categories, especially in terms of weight as an index of portability, as platforms for e-learning platforms for mobile-learning there is convergence: the you can do with the eL can also be done with the ML, there was talk of the cellular networks of which there are different types depending on the service you wish to use: the type analog (with which it was not possible to transmit data or multimedia content) is passed to digital has allowed this to carry over to also voice data, hence the first SMS, it is then passed to the GSM and GPRS to this (thanks to which the can send the first MMS), the evolution of which is represented dall'EDGE (with which you can transmit data at high speed): on the basis of being able to carry around a lot more data and be able to offer richer ; dall'EDGE was then passed to the W-COMA (UMTS) to use to video call services, and finally was passed with HSDPA which can transmit data at very high speeds comparable to ADSL, but currently has a limited mobility. The WIFI is, however, a complementary technology to UMTS, you can enjoy the same multimedia services but there is not a mobility complete, is a technology for which there is no free licenses: the only thing you pay is the fixed connectivity, and has a large penetration because the manufacturers of micro processors such as Intel, have already integrated with laptops, PDAs and mobile phones; WiFi cards are also integrated on some phones (usually the latest Nokia, high end).

cellular networks have also linked to the minimum requirements of such services and which must be supported by the appropriate technology: for example, the video must have the minimum requirements that only the network can provide. Services should be divided into two broad categories:

  • circuit services: are services of video, voice and messaging, so called because if there's a party that needs to communicate with another person B, the telephone operator by connecting first to second creates a communication circuit, and these services are time rate, did not technological limitations and resources are dedicated to everyone involved.
  • packet services : only apply to wap or web services, for which there is a communication channel but the data required by a person to be sent from server B A broken down into packets before they receive them. For this service there are strict constraints on the quality of service (QoS) required. The QoS is defined by three main parameters: 1. latency (about the user waiting to use the service), 2. band (average speed perceived by the user), 3. session stability (probability that there is a service interruption of data transfer). charging for these services is time or volume.

As regards service coverage for the GSM / GPRS is a complete national coverage by the major operators, with possible restrictions Indoor; for UMTS coverage is instead to major cities and roads. As far as rates are concerned, however, these are differentiated by voice (time) and data (time or volume) are also possible customization of the SIM and contracts within the network company. Finally, there are a bit 'rates of time' flat ' and a fixed-mobile convergence.

Finally, he spoke of m-learning project sponsored by the European Commission as the project sponsored by Ericsson Education Dublin " From e-learning to m-learning " usable on PDAs, smartphones and mobile phones and can be consulted at:

http: / /

or the project promoted by the British government (LSDA-Learning and Skills Development Agency) "m-Learning project" aimed at youngsters between the ages 16 and 22 unemployed and illiterate, available at www.m-

In definitiva, quando si parla di reti cellulari, dispositivi e servizi , si deve tener conto principalmente di queste cinque variabili: portabilità, costo, versatilità, banda e copertura.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spondylolysis And Scoliosis

45th day 44th day of March 20

Nella lezione di oggi, tenuta dalla docente Roberta Volpato, si è parlato di “ Personalizzazione dell’apprendimento”.
Quando si parla di personalizzazione dell’apprendimento si tende a centrare l’attenzione sulle spatio-temporal characteristics and learning of the subject. The training process
should not be a mere transmission of knowledge but a construction of meaning through experience and in accordance with individual cognitive styles, in this context play a key role theories related to multiple intelligences and styles of thought, that allow customization of the training process itself.
To achieve a training effective, it must take into account and consider that there is a variety of cognitive styles, namely a set of ways to develop, manage and store and use information at different stages of the training process.
In the seventies, Howard Gardner, after a long period of research, he developed a theory based on multiple intelligences.
The underlying assumption of this theory is that " intelligence is the ability to identify and solve problems or create products within one or more cultural settings .
He questions the concept of intelligence, asserting that it is not only a linguistic and logical mathematical ability, that is, knowing how to read, write and count.
Through his studies, Gardner shows up to 7 types of intellectual skills, thus putting emphasis on certain types of responsibilities that were once overlooked and not considered.
Identified intelligences are: linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily Cinestar, interpersonal and personal.
The student is focusing on the technology in terms of multimedia and customization of the training process. In an interview with a school suggests that, through technology, is capable of appealing to individuals and taking account of the differences in each of the skills most pronounced.

The individual is not characterized by a single style, but from a profile of styles or ways of thinking. The propensity towards style rather than another can vary depending on the tasks, context and experience.
society often confuses the stili (modi di pensare) con le abilità (il modo in cui una persona fa qualcosa) attribuendo agli individui un giudizio sugli stili quando in realtà si tratta delle abilità. Gli insegnanti e i formatori devono riuscire a cogliere questa sottile differenza, così da permettere al soggetto di avere successo sia nel suo percorso formativo sia nel lavoro.
Un altro studioso di questo periodo e di queste tematiche, è Robert Stenberg. Egli pone l’accento sull’insuccesso scolastico, lavorativo e sociale e mette in discussione i parametri di valutazione e di misurazione delle prestazioni dell’individuo in una teoria detta dell’ "Autogoverno mentale".
Stenberg outlines a new perspective that places at the base of the failure is a discrepancy, incompatibility between the way of learning and characteristics of the learning environment, including how to act and the expectations of the work context. According to the scholar
we each have different mental mode, which change based on the experience and maturity of the individual, which changes with the evolution of the individual himself.
Stenberg used to the concept of the first form of government.
government has three functions: legislative, executive and judicial. According to Stenberg
the government also reflects what happens in our minds. His theory associated questi tre possibili stili di governo a 3 tipologie di persone: persone legislative, esecutive e giudiziarie. Le prime che amano fare le cose a modo loro ed essere indipendenti, le seconde che rispettano le regole e le terze che tendono a mettere in discussione le regole e il sistema.
La teoria dell’Autogoverno contempla poi 4 forme di stili di pensiero che corrispondono a modi diversi di accostarsi al mondo e alle sue problematiche: stile monarchico, gerarchico, oligarchico e anarchico. Rispetto ai livelli degli stili di pensiero esistono poi persone: global ( che ignorano i dettagli) e analitiche ( che apprezzano i problemi concreti e si soffermano sui dettagli).
Rispetto invece alle sfere degli stili di pensiero esistono persone:
interne: introverse, distaccate dal contesto sociale in cui vivono
esterne: estroverse, espansive e aperte verso la gente
rispetto alle propensioni degli stili di pensiero esistono persone:
radicali: che amano andare al di là delle regole
conservatrici: che tendono a conformarsi alle regole e alle procedure esistenti e non amano i cambiamenti.
Questa panoramiche sulla teoria delle intelligenze multiple, sul concetto di stile di pensiero e di abilità è servita per aprire la strada a molteplici riflessioni.
La ricerca in merito alle intelligenze multiple sottolineano l’importanza dell’interazione tra soggetto e contesto in cui agisce, in questa prospettiva ,grazie alla molteplicità approaches and channels of communication, new technologies and e-learning can be a border that actually opens the way for the personalization of learning.

During the lesson the teacher showed us on the Internet some courses on-line, made for some important Italian companies, used to train their employees.
We saw three examples of SIMULWARE: an online course on Privacy and Data Protection (duration 2 hours), a course on apprenticeship (to simulate in a protected environment with the help a tutor, what an employee would have found to really do its work environment) and a course that Didael which dealt with the teaching of English and Italian to foreigners.
Ilene Frascione

Monday, March 19, 2007

Cubefield Full Screen Level 4

19.3 43.a

Today's lesson was curated by Italo Loser.
In the first part was taken up the topic of learning objects . To create a learning object is not necessary to use a platform, but some platforms, such as Claroline and Moodle create objects that can be used only within themselves.
I CMS (content management system), invece, come le piattaforme Customizer e Reload , sono degli editor che permettono la creazione di learning object scorm, trasferibili e riutilizzabili.
I repository system contengono già dei contenuti scorm. Il più famoso è quello del MIT.
Un oggetto scorm, secondo una presentazione fornita da Losero, possiede un contenuto, un "guscio blu" in cui sono inseriti i metadati, cioè i descrittori, e un "guscio arancione" in cui sono contenute le regole di funzionamento, le variabili che deve considerare il materiale didattico.

There was then submitted INVA Architecture (computer Valle D'Aosta), for the provision of training facilities for members for both organizations.

We also visited the Portal Project e-learning training , a complex system that has a level editor, portal and educational materials, and to a level below which an LMS courses and users.
users have already been described outside of the system, embedded in a LDAP (light weight directory access protocol), a kind of database that can access other .
The platforms must be flexible and provide connection to other systems to accept data from various sources.
Scorm arises because those are things at once.
E 'should therefore build scorm courses so that each course can be reused because it is shared across various platforms.
There are different versions of SCORM: the 1.2 in 2001, where the sequence of learning object is not certain specified, and the 1.3 of 2004, which provides for a system which allows sequencing choose any variable to proceed.
Finally, the protocol OAI-MHP is to federate the repository, that connects two or more only in the metadata repository.

The second part of the lesson was devoted to introduce the content using the Customizer platforms and Reload.

Ilene B.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mini-bar For A Basement

Lesson of the day March 13 /

Today's lesson was held with Professor Robert Volpe.
First, the teacher has briefly summarizes what has been seen in previous lessons: we talked about the materials in rete (risorse didattiche già pronte, biblioteche on-line e biblioteche digitali ), dei materiali originali (materiali prodotti direttamente e che hanno una serie di caratteristiche quali la modularità, la sinteticità, l’autoconsistenza, la multimedialità e l’interattività); ci ha ricordato quale è stato il percorso evolutivo della fad (dalla fad di I e II si è passati alla fad di III generazione che vede la rete come essenza, ovvero ambiente virtuale per l’apprendimento) e quali sono le fasi salienti in cui si articola la progettazione di un corso on-line, per la quale è indispensabile l’utilizzo di Griglie di Progettazione utili per monitorare il livello di avanzamento del proprio lavoro rispetto alle tempistiche previste. Si è poi passati alla lezione odierna nel corso della quale è stata fatta un’analisi strutturale di un corso del Progetto Trio (il portale della formazione a distanza della regione Toscana) sulla Progettazione Formativa : è stata fatta l’analisi del contenuto e l’analisi rispetto alla modularità, all’autoconsistenza ed alla modularità del corso stesso; il corso è suddiviso in 3 moduli: il primo, Elementi di Progettazione , è suddiviso a sua volta in cinque unità per un totale di 35 pagine; il secondo, Progettare la Formazione , è suddiviso in quattro unità for a total of 42 pages, the third module, the training designer , into four units for a total of 19 pages and we have thus found that the course is structured in a fairly uniform in the number of units it contains some discrepancy as regards the balance between the pages and the other unit, then we have verified that the course is navigable in two modes: sequential and reticular.

Monday, March 12, 2007

How To Use Oil Of Oregano For Acne

Lecture March 12 March 9

In today's lesson we have seen important steps to set a platform.
  1. E 'must first obtain a Hardware, buy a car to put our platform;
  2. then we must put on an operating system and can choose between Windows (the most widely used desktop) or Linux (most widely used server) or UNIX (more stable at the server level but it is fee) or MAC (very common);
  3. must then install PHP that is a scripting language or MYSQL is a database (both are open souce and installed on Windows and Linux.. NET and ASP and SQLServer work Windows only.
  4. put our LMS whatever it is;
  5. as housing and hosting at home we can manage our platform and look at our courses.

During the lesson, then we saw MOODLE platform which is one of the most complete and more complex.
It lets you divide the course into
  • weeks
  • topics
  • reports
There are Resources as text files, links, etc. and DeLee Activities such as Chat, Tasks, Forums, Glossary which is an environment where pre-established place in the alphabetical order of the terms used in our courses, lessons, Scorm, Workshop that allows anyone to create objects and anyone can comment on them.
In Settings we have seen how to change the category or other characteristics of the course.

During the lesson we have also tried to create a new course for themselves, by entering our "beloved" Fantastic Beasts !!!!!!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Info On Sibutramina In English

The lesson of today has seen our teachers as tutors Silvio Grosso from 14 to 15 and Professor Patrick Voyola within hours.
Silvio did a review CAPTIVATE use, in particular, we explained the import feature movie (Import slides in a slide presentation, AVI files and images) and the inclusion of text captions, image roll-overs and text entry box in selected slides.

Voyola Professor, professor of literature at the vocational school Quintino Sella di Asti, was spokesman for an experiment that involved the use of e-learning platform (Moodle) to integrate the teaching curriculum of Italian history and revolt to different classes of his school for a total of 120 students.

The novelty involved the use in the presence of a working methodology designed for the FAD (formula simile al blended ma con forte prevalenza della presenza sulla distanza) con l'obiettivo di verificare se gli strumenti della FAD potessero migliorare il quadro cognitivo, metacognitivo e motivazionale della classe coinvolta.
L'integrazione della didattica d’aula con l’utilizzo di una piattaforma e-learning ha comportato una nuova curvatura:
- della didattica (abbandono della didattica trasmissiva a vantaggio di metodologie collaborative di ricerca-azione)
- degli strumenti offerti dalla piattaforma (forum, wiki, test, diario di bordo)

Tutto ciò ha favorito la costruzione di un macro ambiente di apprendimento
(virtuale e reale contemporaneamente) diviso in sottoinsiemi (moduli) che ospitano LO materials and constructed by the teacher or by students or found on the web.

Benefits of e-learning as an aid to lectures documented:
- Elimination of duplicate paper
- Easy access to Internet resources selected
- consultability
from home - Re-use in different contexts

Benefits of e-learning in sharing of individual work:
- work-sharing and discussion of individual (cognitive value of the error)
- ability to monitor the learning process (individualized education)

Benefits of e-learning in the construction / use of LO:
- Re-use in different contexts
- Ability to verify step by step
- Individualizing education

Benefits of e-learning in the research group:
- Collaborative work
- Ability to monitor the learning process

The results of this experiment are were:
- achieving objectives of knowledge and skill levels set out in the programming
- reduction of debits
- increased ability to self-assessment, metacognitive reflection, a sense of responsibility towards the work and the commitments made with classmates and teacher
- increase the motivation and 'interest in using these tools
Overall there were
personalization of learning, collaboration, report greater, ease of assessment and ongoing monitoring.

The teacher is optimistic about the use of e-learning in school and during his speech he showed us the site she realized that presents useful resources for teaching.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Online Tickets For Silvercity

lesson of today's lesson

In today's lesson we imagined to be tasked with training taking into account a range of data, such as the number of courses taken, the number of users a given period, etc. ....
Having to do this we must first choose the platform, for example, we can choose Claroline, but where we go to prenderla? dobbiamo appoggiarci ad un sever e quindi ad una società informatica, come la Colt, che metta a disposizione un server.
Si può consiserare l' housting come una sorta di armadio custodito dove mettere il nostro pc, con un costo di circa ottocento euro l'anno senza la connessione internet che fa lievitare i costi.
L' housting può essere condiviso quando si utilizza una macchina già esistente ( questo consente di risparmiare ma il rischio che si corre è quello che se si ferma la macchina alla quale siamo appoggiati ci fermiamo anche noi) oppure dedicato se inseriamo una macchina nostra.
Dopo aver scaricato la piattaforma il passo successivo, quindi, è la sua installazione ad opera di un sistemista, che ha a cost of about nine hundred euro.
at this point we begin our work: inclusion of content on the CMS, the inclusion of users, courses, change the appearance of conforming to the Claroline course, such as putting the logo (in this case you can refer to a graph, with a cost of about five hundred euro).
At this point we have a working platform.
The lesson ended, taking into account that there is a web 2.0 with the exception of Elgg.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Is Go Smile Safe For Teeth Enamel

Italian class loser. WEB 2.0 sites

In the first part of the lesson we have seen the 2.0 version of the Internet. The term "web 2.0" or "Web 2.0" is an expression of the current debate about new ways of enjoying of knowledge and information offered by the Net is therefore not an evolution of the TCP / IP technology underlying the Internet, but the resources and tools that use the technological infrastructure upon which rests the Internet. It 'a new way of understanding the network, which focuses on the content, information, interaction.

We talk about the Internet and the Web, even though they are often considered synonyms, as well as the computers are part of the global network of other devices such as mobile phones, television, radio, which can interact among themselves using new technologies sharing digital data.

The concept of Web 2.0 focuses on sharing capabilities dati tra le diverse piattaforme tecnologiche, sia hardware che software.

L’e-learning cambia:
da mezzo a piattaforma
da sistema di consultazione di contenuti a sistema di creazione di contenuti
Dalla lettura di contenuti alla loro scrittura
La struttura passa da quella del libro a quella della conversazione
La piattaforma assomiglia sempre di più ad un sistema di blogging
E’ centralizzata sull’utente e sulle sue interazioni anziché sul contenuto del corso
Presenta un nodo di contenuto attorno al quale si sviluppa la discussione, con collegamenti con altri nodi
Passa da sistema istituzionale ad ambiente personale
Da singola application to
set of applications allows content creation and link them with external resources
E 'has often been geared to the needs of the organization that users
The platform becomes a tool to use for e-learning, but above all as
general communication tool by virtual learning environment to a shared environment apprendomento
Content is proposed for a critical reading and comment
students [can] read through RSS readers
can be reused, reorganized and restated.
learning does not depend on how the content is written but how they are used. In the second part
della lezione abbiamo provato la piattaforma CLAROLINE dei nostri compagni e abbiamo fatto la valutazione dei corsi.

Mods Para Mounte E Blade


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