" Mourinho? Do not disturb me any entries on the arrival of coaches possible or hypothetical. Mourinho is a great, his history speaks for itself, but I only think about doing well until June. Again, the voices do not disturb me . Vincenzo Montella, on the eve of the away match against Lecce, does not want to think of the names of possible new coaches the club's red and yellow (the last in order of time, it is striking that of Jose Mourinho). More important to try to win against a team of De Canio. "The Lecce is a very good team, very organized -Montella said." He valued players and great confidence. Ma è anche battibile, quindi la Roma si deve preoccupare soprattutto di fare bene, e andrà a Lecce cercando di vincere la partita ».
Per la trasferta il tecnico romanista potrà contare su David Pizarro,
anche se il cileno non è ancora al meglio. « Pizarro sta meglio, si è allenato ieri e oggi. Avverte ancora qualche fastidio, e non è detto che domani giochi. Greco vice-Pizarro? Ha fatto ottime cose, ma come caratteristiche generali lo vedo un po' diverso. Noi, comunque, dobbiamo saper fare a meno anche di un giocatore importante come Pizarro ».
Convocato per Lecce anche Menez. Il francese, però, ha interrotto training today for a back problem. "We see is-called-Montella says. We will assess his condition. I'm counting on because it is one that you can make a difference. A LEVELS absolutely do not argue, but we must always consider the balance of the team. I see him as a playmaker because he can play in any position behind the tip. E 'disqualified in the Champions League? It does not matter, we must only think of Lecce and the choices will be made on the basis of this match . " We play a lot in these next matches, we are aware -adds." But it is fair to think of a game at a time, being prepared as best .
CHANGES - Montella then launches a message to his players, and suggests to expect a greater contribution from those who enter a game in progress, " Players who have taken over Sunday or Bologna are all top-level players. Technically and mentally I expect something more from the changes because for me can make a difference in the game. The races, they often are decided in the last 15 minutes. I do not want anyone cirminalizzare. It may happen that he could not get into the game. Once we can stand. If it happens sometimes, then you need to start making assessments .
Two cases "thorn" in recent days Trigoria. The first concerns Philippe Mexes, who seems to have reached an agreement with Milan for next season. " do not know if he signed for Milan -size short-Montella. I I rate him for what he does on the field and during training. I think it has been shown to be attached to this shirt. In recent years, has been offered and has remained important, I do not think that will be affected by this situation . The second 'case' is related to Adrian, so it seems the looming termination. "Adriano was injured must recover -ends-. It will take some 'time. It will evaluate without being conditioned by his past to see if he can give us a hand or not. "
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