In my preview article that will be released soon on the "XX Polis," the free newspaper that is distributed in the twentieth Municipality of Rome.
Just this week I attended a meeting between City Hall and some engineers and architects of "Underground Rome" and "Resources for Rome" on the individual stations.
will add information when I have news about a bit 'more detailed and time to enter it.
XX Polis
Paris 16 metro lines. London: 12 subway lines. Berlin: 9 lines (not counting the urban rail surface). Madrid: 12 lines. Even Budapest has 3 lines!
E 'immediate conflict with Rome, the Italian capital, with nearly 3 million citizens, without counting those coming dall'hinterland, and tens of thousands of tourists who visit it every day.
A city with only 2 subway lines, full of traffic and congestion and where to look for parking at times becomes a true quest for the Holy Grail.
Speaking of public transportation, a good underground if well articulated and exploited in any event would be advantageous and convenient for commuting and leisure, and Rome certainly help in the problems of parking and traffic.
Finally, after years of empty, something is moving.
They started the first work of the "Metro C, a question that would cut the capital along a different axis than the two existing lines, namely in the terminus stations and Grottarossa Pantano, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (which has the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), the conclusion seems more optimistic scheduled for 2015, although it is news in recent days that some companies have resorted to the Administrative Court against the company Metropolitana di Roma, to support the work and the actual commencement of the work in stages and this could lead to further delays .
In San Giovanni area are already in place and excavation sites, while in other parts of Rome are being executed to examine the geognostic il sottosuolo e verificare la possibilità di realizzare concretamente il progetto preliminare già approvato.
Per noi cittadini del XX Municipio è di particolare interesse la “linea C2”, ossia la tratta compresa tra le stazioni “Farnesina” e “Grottarossa”: questa tratta consta di 6 stazioni, comprese le due già citate e sarà lunga 5,5 km.
Le stazioni saranno nell’ordine: Farnesina – Giuochi Istmici (dotata di collegamenti pedonali sotterranei fino a piazza Giuochi Delfici) – Parco di Veio – Villa San Pietro – Tomba di Nerone – Grottarossa.
Sono inoltre previsti parcheggi (sia a raso che interrati) per le stazioni Farnesina (Around 1,500), Park of Veii (600 seats), Villa San Pietro (600 seats) and Grottarossa (700 seats).
But, there are some observations and concerns identified by the same City Hall: First of all it raised the question of the viability of the area Grottarossa, being the last stop, much influenced by the addition of all users of the metro and also, at the time, the station (with adjoining car park) is located behind a residential area with houses, buildings and driveways just north-east of the intersection Via Cassia - via Grottarossa with hard links to the Via Cassia.
The study of the road is still under study, ma speriamo vivamente in cambiamenti in merito.
Per risolvere la situazione, la proposta del Municipio sarebbe di prolungare la tratta oltre Grottarossa (ci permettiamo di proporre piazzale della Giustiniana, dotato di stazione ferroviaria e parcheggio superficiale oppure anche una stazione adiacente all’ospedale S. Andrea…), ma al momento l’unica risposta sembra essere stato un rifiuto in quanto l’analisi costi/benefici sembra negativa a causa degli elevati costi necessari.
Rimaniamo in attesa degli sviluppi sulla questione e anzi vi chiediamo di esprimerci i vostri pareri in modo anche da poter capire cosa ne pensano i cittadini della zona e poter partecipare attivamente confrontandoci con il Municipio stesso in modo da trovare the best possible solution, as they are planned monthly meetings between City Hall and the Metropolitan Company of Rome.
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