We went for three days and a few minutes in the month of the year that I love ... December.
The air that surrounds this month I Christmas warms the heart and it is as if my mind is emptied of everyday problems and sad thoughts for the entire month.
Let me explain what Christmas is for me but it is useless too clumsy to write that I can not, but a few years ago I found a sentence which reflected much of what this holiday is for me, and it is:
"WHAT 'is Christmas? E' tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. "
Right now if I think about my past in my mind the last six years but for the moment when the memories are always accompanied by tears that does not mean he does not want to recall memories as they are tender and full of love.
As for me, December is the best month of the year, especially this year do not want anyone and the sad thoughts that are accompanying me for four months, I ruin this magical month, then there is no period Best of Christmas for his courage with the help of family and the people who are in the heart to close a book and the new year start a new one with the hope that brings happiness.
After this interlude of what Christmas is for me and how I wish it was this year's autolodarmi to pass for beautiful creations Feltrosa I made these days and I am very proud of the result;).
Meet the rennin Dina, was born November 27, 2010 in Prattville, more precisely in the shop Patty with the help of Alex, so of course I liked it and it is also fast to realize that I bought all the material for achieving the other three ... among which one will be a sweet Christmas gift;).

I find dolcissimaaaaaa!
Now on to my first Christmas decorations of 2010.
Abstract kits are complete with everything, just just assemble and we also customize them in my case, found at 'Oviesse a really low price, too bad if you buy a bunch like I did you cry too after the portfolio.
First I baked these two beautiful hearts are with the snowflake embroidered and embellished in the middle of the wooden stud (which I added the seam to stitch together).

After the hearts I sbizzarita with knobs adorned by 'Holly and the knot point, did horribly but I'm proud too, that that effect of snow, had to be as flat as I did not like I have a little padded.

In fine ecco i miei Pompon Gnomi io li trovo di un tenero e di un simpatico e voi???
Non ditelo a nessuno ma sono un po' vanesi infatti come potete notare si sono voluti far inserire anche nello sfondo del blog per renderlo un po' natalizio ;).
La produzione di addobbi non è mica finita qui ;)... già dopo pranzo sono nati altri tre Gnomi ma della famiglia dei Coni Rossi... presto li potrete ammirare... quindi non perdetemi di vista ;)
Buona Aria Nataliza