Thursday, December 2, 2010

Position Of Cervix 5 Days Before Period

My Dear December 2010 ...

We went for three days and a few minutes in the month of the year that I love ... December.
The air that surrounds this month I Christmas warms the heart and it is as if my mind is emptied of everyday problems and sad thoughts for the entire month.
Let me explain what Christmas is for me but it is useless too clumsy to write that I can not, but a few years ago I found a sentence which reflected much of what this holiday is for me, and it is:
"WHAT 'is Christmas? E' tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. "
Right now if I think about my past in my mind the last six years but for the moment when the memories are always accompanied by tears that does not mean he does not want to recall memories as they are tender and full of love.
As for me, December is the best month of the year, especially this year do not want anyone and the sad thoughts that are accompanying me for four months, I ruin this magical month, then there is no period Best of Christmas for his courage with the help of family and the people who are in the heart to close a book and the new year start a new one with the hope that brings happiness.

After this interlude of what Christmas is for me and how I wish it was this year's autolodarmi to pass for beautiful creations Feltrosa I made these days and I am very proud of the result;).

Meet the rennin Dina, was born November 27, 2010 in Prattville, more precisely in the shop Patty with the help of Alex, so of course I liked it and it is also fast to realize that I bought all the material for achieving the other three ... among which one will be a sweet Christmas gift;).
I find dolcissimaaaaaa!

Now on to my first Christmas decorations of 2010.
Abstract kits are complete with everything, just just assemble and we also customize them in my case, found at 'Oviesse a really low price, too bad if you buy a bunch like I did you cry too after the portfolio.

First I baked these two beautiful hearts are with the snowflake embroidered and embellished in the middle of the wooden stud (which I added the seam to stitch together).
After the hearts I sbizzarita with knobs adorned by 'Holly and the knot point, did horribly but I'm proud too, that that effect of snow, had to be as flat as I did not like I have a little padded.
In fine ecco i miei Pompon Gnomi io li trovo di un tenero e di un simpatico e voi???
Non ditelo a nessuno ma sono un po' vanesi infatti come potete notare si sono voluti far inserire anche nello sfondo del blog per renderlo un po' natalizio ;).
La produzione di addobbi non è mica finita qui ;)... già dopo pranzo sono nati altri tre Gnomi ma della famiglia dei Coni Rossi... presto li potrete ammirare... quindi non perdetemi di vista ;)

Buona Aria Nataliza

Friday, November 12, 2010

Less Sensation In Right Leg

...ed il ritorno

It may be because I created this blog with heart and hand for a long time I wanted to lose ...
... it may be because I always wanted to express my on certain facts about certain events, about what is happening in Italy and worldwide ...
will ... maybe because I graduated and then let's face it: now, after work, leisure has exploded ...
... that will "just do not start again and then I rifermo after 5 days ...
will ... I do not know what will be, the important thing is what I decided: to restart this blog that was giving me little satisfaction, and I left too soon on the road.
So we re-read soon!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Does Uterus Affect Liver

Training Creative IO C 'winners EROOOOOOO

Ebbene si quest’anno posso dire di esserci stata anche io!!!

Dopo la “Sfiga” was not present last year, because the lady swine flu had wanted to come to see me two days before the course I had chosen this year I did not I would be lost for no reason at all, in fact I just opened the registrations are now entered and not just one course but is well for all three days ... I had to somehow make my last edition that I'd lost.

Initially me and my dear friend Beatrice had decided to do "I went to go back and" Firenze - The Vione - Fucecchio, but then on the Sunday before me and Bea we look in the eye and we said: "But who the do it?? "and then I took the phone and immediately sent a text message to the two Holy Women Licia and Simona to see if a room was available, the two beautiful maidens have found us a room and the day after I sent the request immediately ... those two women and a nice gift FAVOLOSEEEEEE not tell remove the no true Bea ...?!? beatrice

Friday at 5.45 am the alarm goes off, after a stormy night with terrible stomach ache, I wake up and run to get ready at 7.00 because I had to be at the home of Beatrice, of course, I arrived late: O). For this great event we are waiting I also took the highway, for the uninitiated I love driving, but I've always been afraid to take the highway in fact only Once there I was successful before creative development I now know that it has become one of my good friend ^ _ ^.

We quickly found the hotel, Bea is a great human navigator.

machine went down I called Barbara, I knew it was there already since the day before, to know where he was to embrace all ... but I answered the phone America, another friend that I was happy to hug and told me that would have fallen short in the lobby. We in the meantime we went downstairs to greet Patty , Danda, Licia and Simona who were setting up the three rooms where we would have done the courses and where in two of them were scrapbooking stores and Floriléges .

Then we managed to meet Barbara and America, who were my companions merry adventure and bench for all three days and as the "Three Musketeers" we have created a human assembly line for all three courses ... "One for all and all for one". Beatrice remained in the room where he had his way (unfortunately for two days but we had different courses so we met at the end of the course and then we had to sleep in the same room;)) and I went to keep company with Barbara and America they had to have breakfast and I've met Anna Dall 'Orso, which made me sooo good to see.

Barbara America

Before starting the course of talented Magalie , we have the acceptance and sweet Danda gave me the wonderful Cute Bag-pink in the survival kit (suck fruit snack, chocolates etc. ..) but so much material and offered by sponsors, the apron, it also rose with the beautiful badges made by Dandini beautiful.

cute bag

While we were in class waiting to start Barbara gave us a box that Danda had forgotten to give us the acceptance, if only to see it was amazing, do not tell you when I opened it and saw what was inside ... Simona six spettacolareeeeeee! dolcetti simo collage

tell me if these are beautiful heart-shaped sugar?? I'm sorry ... in fact they are always eating them! Besides, I

from laggard as always I took advantage of those moments to do nothing, because for a little while we would not have had to give my birthday gift to Barbara, who has appreciated a lot and both waterfall is a tear; ) ... but for Barbara this and more ... as I stand every day especially in the last three months, although we are far away and always knows how to be close to me especially in times when I need ... Thanks! Magalie

The lesson starts and I had the great honor to have as a translator for all three courses, the legendary Danda, without removing anything other formidable translators;).

Since I was not present at the last edition was a bit 'puzzled about how these courses would be made, who had been the previous year told me that was quite a tour de force, but it will be that I was full of desire to learn new things, I had two companions will counter that they were great workers, will be that we were very close-knit with each other that I found myself doing all three courses without ever saying: "Enough do not take it anymore! I close everything and end up at home "as some people thought I was doing (especially myself) Licia ... right?!?! : O), the last day of the course Sandra was very close to say ... but eventually I set to myself and I had the best ^ _ ^.

Below you can see Barbara struggling with the positioner, which is unknown to me until I pulled him out Magalie during its course ... and I must say that initially I had a haunting fear of that 'gadget', but thanks to Barbara America, and now I am not afraid.

barbara alle prese con il posizionatore

Magalie finished the course with me and Bea are entered into the room to give us a refreshed because then we would go to dinner with Danda, Barbara and America came into the Mac ... Room was our friend Jack Jeco that was waiting for us ... but since we did not want guests in a room, we decided to make him a nice stroll in the garden come flying ... if it was not for Beatrice ... I do not know how I would do;) .

At 20.30 we mounted about all 5 of my beautiful Splashettina assigned MacDonald. At the end of Sandwich, America Danda and Barbara have pulled out Chupa Chups a giant who gave me telling words: "To sweeten the life" ... you can not imagine my surprise and joy of this small gesture, but for me it has a huge value for them ... I know that they did not seem ... but the weariness hung over me;) ... cmq not only me but all I was tired ... especially Danda words he felt that nobody had ever said: D ... oh god that laugh. per addolcire le mie giornate Back at the hotel give us good night and we set an appointment for the next day to go to breakfast together. Bea and I climb into our room and luckily Jack decided to scrounge not want to come to us from sleeping, but I think the fact that we had launched from the third floor did not liked it because while we were busy telling us how they went courses and giving us advice on how to tackle the course of the day after the Bea ... DRIIIIIIINNNN DRIIIIIIN respond and the other side was Barbara who said we were the ones who call them, since in our room there were as many as 3 phones per second and I ran to tell her that it was they who had called us ^ _ ^ ... Jack has been mica to make us the skerzetto?? ^ _ ^. Hung up the phone we put to sleep, at least I tried to sleep, but since they are putty in the dark because I have absolute, the sheets that are attached to my pajamas and then a shocking hot in the room, I stayed no more bad ... in fact I was pretty awake at 6.10.

At 8:00 on Saturday morning we meet in the lobby with our companions to go to breakfast together, and together with us at the table were joined by the group of sardines, Nicoletta, Raffaella, Beatrice and the other in I apologize but I do not remember the names (which I was very pleased to know.

After breakfast, take away places for the course @ Is that among the three was a bit 'more complicated, and where My fear is that thing called positioner disappeared completely, it has gone so well that my son bought it ^ _ ^. The course we also had a companion amazing counter and a hard worker who I admire a lot and they are one of his regulars of his blog, I speak for all of Marinella known as Mery delighted that we have a nice box of chocolates. What about the course of Is @?? I learned so many techniques and I know that one of these early reuse.

lunch break as the day before we did it all together in the restaurant.

course dinner in the evening we go back from our mythical Mac and there were also Danio , Licia and Simona them away and even the laughter all round. Then we ran into the hotel where he was waiting for the Lara perchè c’era la premiazione del concorso , a cui io non ho partecipato ( sia per mancanza di tempo ma anche perchè il tema parlava di questa estate ed è meglio che io stenda un velo pietoso su questa stagione appena passata che già odio di se per se come stagione, quella di quest’anno non vi dico), e che ha vinto meritatamente la bravissima Bibi e la premiazione dello swap e lo scambio, come miglior swap ha vinto quella gran bella donna della Danio che ha fatto una cosa stupenda che potete vedere sul suo blog. Per lo scambio io ho avuto il fattore “C” … anche perchè dato che me ne porto uno dietro bello grosso a qualcosa servirà??? e mi sono aggiudicata lo swap realizzato by Mitica Filippini (name? she does not have legal Filippini is just: D) \u200b\u200bcurioseeeee?? here it is below casa fantasmi Filippini E 'spettacolareeeeeee! and even the candy into the house of fantasmiiiiii!

curious to see what I had created and which now resides at the home of Filipinos?? cappello strega Beat the awards, I and my traveling companion and room we started in the room ... while we were there we were putting on his pajamas ... DRIIIIIIIINNNNNNNN DRIIINNNNNNNNNN the phone rings and I answer that I was next to them ... of course who could be BARBARA AMERICA ... and we begin to say to go to the door you go ... no ... you go you go ... no ... no but I can not reach the peephole to see the end ... I am going to the door and there was nothing and in the meantime, both on the floor above us if they were laughing like mad, then I I tell Bea that in the meantime was on the phone with the two, to keep them on the phone that I would race to their plan to knock on the door and leave the cakes that I made for Halloween, but the two were witches and then I hung up the Bea We left the room to run to them and make them the skerzo obviously in my pajamas, I call both elevators ... so the two upstairs could not get off if they intended to do the same skerzo ... and it just arrived at the floor feel two, whispering and close the door and I look out bea around the corner and start from there the laughter .... laughter .... laughter ... after a while 'under me I could. then the runway in their room at .... continue to laugh .... obviously could not miss the pictures. in pigiama the knee cap of Beatrice is still reported missing. ... for me it's always Jack who makes mischief;)

But the evening has not even finished ... more laughter ahead ... in fact all 4 we decided to make the joke even at Danda, me and Bea we stuffed into his bed ... and laughter that they will not tell you ... Barbara phoned Danda and sleepy voice asked at what point was and that he would leave the door open, giving them from 10 minutes came in the room all dark obviously will not tell you to hold back the laughter of all human endeavors we did and when he approached his I read and Bea we went out from under the covers screaming classic BOOHOOH, describe the face of Danda is indescrivibileeeeeeeeee ... and of course we share with laughter as I could ... almost have it under ^ _ ^. At a certain time, why do the 5 to update phones with the right time and watches it was impossible, there we returned to our room. The next morning Jack

Jeco joker in my opinion has a combined altro scherzetto,  convinte di avere le sveglie che suonassero all’ora esatta, stavamo, anzi stava la bea li ad aspettare che la sveglia suonasse, fino a quando io non mi sono svegliata non si sa per quale motivo ho guardato l’orologio che segnava l’ora giusta ed erano le 7.25 la Beatrice ha fatto un salto allucinante dal letto ed è corsa in bagno io mi sono vestita di corsa dato che alle 7.45 avevamo appuntamento per fare colazione tutte insieme.Fortunatamente non abbiamo ritardato ;). Dopo Colazione abbiamo messo le valige in macchina perchè purtroppo i tre giorni a malincuore stavano finendo :(. Mentre mi fumavo il mio cicchino prima delle lezioni ho incontrato Lara che faceva il suo unico corso e purtroppo non era con noi 4 and I exchanged talk with Laura. All we

the course of Sandra, which for me was really a tour of force ... but not for the project was indeed very simple but with many formidable techniques to learn, but as I said before that I can stand three days of row is truly "great stuff" but in the end my desire got the better of them and also ... of course I finished all the assembly and insertion of photos for all three courses is done at home).

During the lunch break in a beautiful basket Giuggioli ... there were so many that my three friends in Rome did not know what they were ... and of course I could not resist not to take pictures;) what is Giuggiole course in these three days, the portfolios also worked mica ... I could not buy anything in the two great shopping and especially that of Florileges with all those stamps;) ... luckily or unfortunately my finances were few;) compere

there are those who spoiled us with gifts of

regalini vari And also I have also received three birthday gifts, from Beatrix of the cute transfer from a good to Barbara Patty, where I took a set of stamps Stamp of Unity and Lara gave me a necklace and a bracelet to match. Thank you for this wonderful CHILDREN regaliiiiii! regali compleanno

course could not miss the group photo, with her friends found, with all three teachers who have a sweetness and an incredible talent, with the two scrapchicche who have pampered and cared for us without us ever lacking food and coffee, white coffee hot, cold, Cappuccino, Tea, etc. ... Foto di gruppo LE 3 moscettiere e le prof After the end of the course on Sunday many are gone but many remained and were able to see the reactions of teachers when were delivered envelopes filled with cards made by all our students to thank them. consegna card

The teachers who give their gift to Danda and Patty, in a box with all 48 stamps the new collection of stamps in all of Florileges ITALIAN, soon you will find only in the shop Patty, and Licia and Simon but I do not remember what was given them. And finally, the photo of the remaining students, with all the staff of Education and Teachers.

The record is over ... but now you go and thanks to those "why are the facts" but his feelings and those that come from the heart.

THANKS to all staff including a translator for making this experience unforgettably perfect, we have coddled, spoiled and so on and so forth.

THANKS to the teachers for the wonderful projects We realize you have done, for the techniques taught and the patience that you had to keep up.

thanks to my traveling companion's room and saying, 'I bear every time ^ _ ^ and who shared with me many wonderful moments of laughter and healthy and rich beyond.

THANKS to the other two Musketeers, who have also endured while they were working for three days in a row, which I laughed like crazy and if I think of all the sketches hang up laughing alone like crazy: D THANKS

Training for me at all because it was not just an experience scrap, but a real cure for the mind and heart.

'm really glad I had this experience and having met friends near and far, made of new and improved old ones.

Now I can put an end to this post kilometer

PS: I know that I beat Barbara: D

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How To Generate Electricity From A Motor

Blog Candy "Not Happy Birthday"

Are you ready to know who are the winners of Candy Blog "Not Happy Birthday"? ?

Here is the pile of the slip of paper with all your names ...

Let's give them a better mischiatina ...

tamburiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the Roll ..... and the winners are:

Presto riceverete i Mostrilli, il tempo di farli nascere, con i colori da voi scelti e un piccolo pensierino a sorpresa.

Grazie di cuore a tutte voi per aver partecipato e per gli auguri di buon non compleanno ^_^

PS: Le vincitrici sono pregate di contattarmi via mail con l'indirizzo su dove devono essere spediti i vostri Mostrilli new friends!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Forex Breakout Strategies

My Blog Candy "Not Happy Birthday"

Since Tuesday, October 14, 2010, 28essimo was my birthday and I did not have a min. time to celebrate with all of you who follow me, I decided to celebrate today my "NOT HAPPY BIRTHDAY" with a sweet Blog Candy ^ _ ^.
can win 3 premiuzzi waiting for you ... curioseeee??

For the 3 girls who will win ... : One of my
Mostrilli by Elena (choice of keyrings and spilla) + un regalino hand made a sorpresa fatto appositamente per loro.
Che ve ne pare??? Vi piace come regalo???
Ovviamente come in ogni Blog Candy che si rispetti ci sono delle regoline da rispettare :
  1. Lasciare un commento a questo blog entro le 24.00 del 31 Ottobre 2010 , notte in cui i Mostrilli prenderanno vita ^_^.
  2. Pubblicare sui vostri blog il loghino qui sotto che riporti al mio blog
  3. Scrivere nel commento quale è il vostro colore preferito
Buona Fortuna a tutte!!!

PS: is open to all, even from abroad and also who has a blog, just send me an email with the subject "Not Happy Birthday Blog Candy"

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Oster Toaster Oven Dehydrator

Scrap Factor - September 2010

for this month's challenge was to Scrap Factor classic "All about me," translated into "everything about myself, and I chose two photos are a bit 'more about me. At times they are a bit 'crazy and I like that ... but of course if there is to do the serious I can do with a little 'more difficult but I can ^ _ ^

Here you can see a little 'details, such as flowers made of cloth, which I like very much and I tried to make the effect of the raised strip of paper with the show. These cards
I find simply amazing and perfect for this LO.

To achieve this I've used:

How Long For Bursitis To Go Away

Training Creative Challenge - Craft

This is the page that I made for the challenge of creative development for this month, where I had to make a craft and the colors of jute.

The tags were lined with jute, which I also used to assemble the butterflies.

This LO I wanted to dedicate an amazing gesture of love ... that of an expectant mother who caresses her belly where into a new life is taking shape ... one of my amazing little nephew, Pete.

Jeff Hardy Has A Baby

ASI - List of things to remember

chore that I made for the book "Home Decor" Arianna's blog on ASI, which this month was dedicated to the achievements of "Lists."

To see other interpretations made by the DT and my companions to know some more details on how I made it just go to the ASI blog

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What Is Autoimmune Hepatitis

Footprints ... Copyright on 'ASI

Mini Album "My Old Town" made for 's ASI , using materials of one of our sponsors:

easy to make a mini album, where I wanted to enclose some photos of medieval views of my country, even as some cities have been given to him this nomination.

Materials: Block cards 4.5 "x6.5" Green collection of DCWV Stack - Bottni Artemio line Espana

To see What they have achieved with my companions of the DT products Footprints Author 's just go to ASI blog.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Filmstreaming Blue Ray

Blog Candy Creations Ste ...

The talented Stefania to celebrate his 50,000, he deserves all due to its unique talent, opened this wonderful blog candy.
You have until September 3, 2010 .

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

P-51 Mustang Vs Mitsubishi Zero

ValeKushi Blog Candy!

Even Velentina Kushi and had a breath of fresh air and to celebrate this wave had the idea to do a blog candy to celebrate their new blog at stake and put the beautiful tones created them with the 'Image Pack
To find out what you need to do to participate just go Blog Valentina or Kushi

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Community Service Thank You Letter

A breath of fresh air

Yes, even if it's hot outside hot, a nice breath of 'fresh air has gone on my blog! ^ _ ^

You know I'm one who likes to change often "dressed" to the blog, just before you find one that satisfies me to say: "Great was what I wanted" is changed a lot 'of time and change and change of clothes. And then now with the new "Design" came the wave blogspot qndi and the desire came right away and after several changes of clothes I could find the perfect one;).
What do you think? you like? to me a lot because it is very cool, happy and even solar.

'll also notice that not only the graphics to be changed, but also the name of my blog, I know that is not nice to change the name, but truth be told the names that I chose is not that I really like more and more I think about it and I did not like, but one day when she was a bit 'that we were resigned to seek out a more appropriate here is that while you are rifarti the bed, so even half asleep, you feel like a little voice says, "your drug PHOTO SCRAP = = mania for taking pictures life = your life in words and above in your work and photographs and as you go from one side of the bed you persuade more and more that is the perfect name for your blog, why in 3 words collects everything that you like and which reflects the blog .
Then coincidentally comes just when you're there for days trying to renew the graphics and find the perfect match and in fact I'm here to introduce my new blog ^ _ ^.

I hope you like the way you like me!
A big kiss refreshing