Sunday, February 10, 2008

Women Inseting Tampons

Le Foibe. Ricordiamo, sempre.

Today, as you know now, was set the day of remembrance for the dead Foibe.

Today is finally remembered one of the worst events in a war, but which have nothing to do with how successful a war because we can not accept, understand or justify in any way.

The Italian left has never wanted admit what you did to Tito and his communist partisans.
Only recently a part of the left began to admit to no longer justified, not to deny the obvious.
And to say it was wrong to hide those tragic events.
Better late than never I would say, but despite this there are those who still try to distort the facts.

And let the truth.
In retaliation made by the Slavs (a real ethnic cleansing) morino opponents and not the fascists, but all died without distinction: being Italian enough.

And they died both young and adults, children and old men and women.
too sick, too injured anyone. There
was pity.

Worse still the luckiest shot died, while many were thrown into ravines still alive and died there in the dark, among many other human bodies ... slowly.
The sinkholes were narrow, narrow and deep, but even worse it was almost impossible (for the survivors of the fall) to move to climb to safety.

We always remember all this and we must prevent anyone from ever disgracing all those victims with a revisionism of some kind, distorting the facts.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Vice City Pc Unhandled Exception At C0000005


Finally at the polls!
Oh, to be honest electoral reform would, but on this I and the center are on the same line: at the moment, with today's political forces, there is no possibility of an agreement.

And it's true. Now
an agreement on the electoral law should be fast, otherwise we would be without a real government for who knows how long.
might as well go to the polls with this law and change it in the next legislature.

And do not mess with us, dear Veltroni.
E 'Needless to say, "not three years, but only 3 months! What change?".
so easy to say, when you are moved by fear of losing the election, and while making campaign. Why
the center wants electoral reform.
no coincidence that Berlusconi ha già detto: dopo le elezioni sono pronto a dialogare con coloro "dell'altra parte" dotati di buon senso e buona volontà.

Bene, ben venga una collaborazione in tal senso.
Le riforme vanno fatte, su questo non ci piove.
Abbiamo però bisogno di un governo decente per farle, anche collaborando con parte dell'opposizione.

Ricordiamoci anche che dopo queste elezioni Berlusconi lo aveva già detto: collaboriamo, visto che la maggioranza è così risicata.
Ma QUALCUNO (a caso) gli ha chiuso la porta in faccia.
Basta ipocrisia (la mossa di veltroni di far passare la CDL come coloro che non vogliono dialogo), basta immobilismo: diamoci una mossa che l'Italia non può rimanere ferma!