lesson digital interactions Lunedì 26 marzo
docente: Italo Losero
Interazioni digitali e creazione di un OAA.
La lezione odierna è divisa in due sezioni: la prima teorica, sulle interazioni digitali e la seconda pratica, sulla creazione di un oggetto autonomo di apprendimento.
When a first group of ten or more people meet online, or "scenes on digital, and use the same system, we speak of digital interactions.
Starting from the origins of these meetings digital, it traces the development, deepening of the many aspects that relate specifically to the Fad and E-learning.
Initially these kinds of digital communication took night life, Bearst mode, or with a continuous connection is not based on the interval between the request (client) and response (server), as happens in practice today during a normal web browsing means any "click" on the link opens a connection, but there is no connection while reading, the latter is reactivated with the next click. As regards the first interaction happened that night took place digital connections with the server during the day and were published documents created. This use of the Internet, before the web, develops a series of forums and newsbook that create a network of written mostly active at night. In 1988, the University of Oulu, Finland's Jarkko Oikarinen create an application system called IRC (Internet relay chat) that allows you to share messages immediately, so it does not matter the context, since the speed of communication. Starting from the 'developed a series of IRC servers around the world, where through screens with lines of text composed message by name, author and hours, thousands of people start to communicate with each other. This information exchange is managed by the same system administrators, who have two primary ways to drive out those who do not communicate properly: Ban, who is kicked back and can no longer kick, kick with the possibility of return. Some of the features of the IRC system, these systems still favored by so-called "real chattatori": applications are text and there are no buttons, the activation is anonymous, and the exchange takes place immediately after the disconnection occurs (not as A-Mule googleChat or where providers take the data "in sight" for 48 months and where the contents are public and under control) you can connect to other networks (FidoNet, etc..) links that point to the Internet, the chat rooms and open trade by the hour and date specific and precise, highly synchronous mode.
The mechanism of synchronicity, where demand follows an immediate response, and directly affects the Fad pemette of PRESS as in a real classroom. Example: asynchronous communication: Classroom> go to page ... , Web> go to the link .... , Synchronous communication: classroom and IRC> immediate interaction, question and answer immediately.
Regarding E-learning is worth the same as the Loser that between '95 and '96 has been put into use learning platforms with pre-chat for hours, where to integrate the lessons in the presence Fad. The new learning platforms must comply with communication difficulties in relation to-face training, the main problem lies in the flattening of hierarchical communication (anyone can speak and interrupt the communication) However, there are specific applications for educational chat, as the center, allowing resolve these imbalances and return to their tutors and teachers privileged role. Another response to these difficulties is provided by Breeze (macromedia-flash) covering videoconfernze teaching, but is rather expensive: € 200,000 for firms and 40,000 for schools.
All these features made it possible to easily maintain the anonymity and confidentiality of the contents, è difficile risalire ai contatti e la polizia postale, che può intervenire solo sul fatto, viene aggirata agevolmente. Peccato che più del 90% di queste interazioni abbiano scopi poco intelligenti e utili, se non addirittura nocivi e illegali; fortunatamente il restante 5%, gestito da capaci e validi volontari che lavorano gratis, è utilissimo.
Con lo sviluppo dell' IRC nascono client che permettono di fare chat più facilmente, si sviluppano elenchi utenti e liste dei messaggi ; dai server IRC si passa a catene di server IRC con chat verticali dove non si sceglie la stanza, ma ci sono stanze singole. Parallelamente allo sviluppo di questi sistemi, raramente utilizzati per la didattica, nascono i giochi di ruolo (''77-''78). In these games, communication is regulated in a specific way and you can create a new virtual world inside our head. Role-playing games initially presented with a text-only screens, over time it is then passed to web pages, up to, in 1994, the birth of language VRLM (virtual reality medeling language) which has enabled the creation of three-dimensional virtual worlds. VRML 3D environments created with the waterways in these connected users via chat rooms, to create virtual characters called avatar, whose name in Sanskrit means "I look I see in the afterlife." The most famous of these worlds is Second Life born in 2004 and now counts 4 million residents and Avatar 100,000 (fully customizable) stay connected.
this alchemy (server + = rules the virtual world), which ensures high involvement and attention, not only the prerogative of role-playing games, but embraces many fields including the teaching and use of these languages \u200b\u200bdigital interaction is therefore one of the objectives Fad of the primary and new technology training and information (news, virtual assistance for the disabled, etc.)..
Here are some examples of recent and contemporary digital interaction in the arts, fomat, educational and experience:
1997, VRML 2, Torino, virtual flight in the dome of Guarini.
2004 Collada Maya and Blender, software for the construction di mondi tridimensionali, standard open source per costruie oggetti e mondi tridimensionali, usato sia per i videogiochi (playstation) che per ogni altro utilizzo.
Un-real, software per la costruzione di mondi virtuali per giochi.
Cluny, ricostruzione digitale della cattedrale distrutta.
Assisi, ricostruzione virtuale della basilica, si può entrare all'interno dei quadri attraverso porte spazio-temporali.
Sistemi e strumenti di interazione: occhiali, caschetto, data-gloves(guanti), proiettori retinali(sensori simili a quelli utilizzati per la chirurgia a distanza)
Torino, costruzione di avatar parlanti per sviluppare la fad per i non udenti.
Modelle e modelli virtuali, Verbot (virtual robot parlanti).
Parte seconda
L'ultima ora della lezione è stata dedicata alla creazione di un OAA (oggetto autonomo di apprendimento) su una delle piattaforme da noi utilizate (customizer, maestra, moodle, claroline) e relativo allo sviluppo del corso project work.